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Navigating the Challenging Levels of “The Outlast Trials”: Tips, Strategies, and Walkthrough

emies will appear more frequently and in larger numbers.
limited intelligence – The task details in the experiment will be limited.
limited shelter – Fewer hideouts in experiments.
untrustworthy door – More fortified, trapped and blocked doors in experiments.
limited items – Limited number of items found in trials.

The Ω Project is the most challenging difficulty level in “The Outlast Trials”. It introduces several new and intensified challenges that make the game even more difficult. The addition of the “The strong are of the same type” effect forces players to stay close to their teammates or risk taking damage. This adds a new layer of coordination and communication to the gameplay. The “Fatal talent” effect makes enemies with quality talent capable of killing players with just one hit, increasing the stakes and requiring even more caution. The “pervasive threat” effect increases the frequency and number of vicious enemies, making survival even more challenging. The “limited intelligence” effect limits the information and details provided for tasks, making it harder for players to navigate and strategize. The “limited shelter” effect reduces the number of hideouts available, leaving players with fewer safe spaces to take refuge. The “untrustworthy door” effect adds more fortified, trapped, and blocked doors, making it harder to progress through the game. Lastly, the “limited items” effect reduces the number of items that can be found during trials, making resource management and planning crucial for survival.

Overall, “The Outlast Trials” offers a range of difficulty levels to cater to different players’ preferences and skill levels. Whether players are looking for a challenging experience or a more intense and punishing gameplay, the game provides various options to test their skills and determination.

“The Outlast Trials” Introduces New Challenging Level “Crushing Rotten Apples”

The highly anticipated game, “The Outlast Trials”, has recently released details about its new level, “Crushing Rotten Apples”. Known as the PvE version of “Deadline by Dawn”, this level is recognized as the most difficult and challenging in the game.

“Crushing Rotten Apples” is a large-scale level set in an amusement park. One of its biggest features is the three floors in height in the middle and second half of the map. The scale of the map makes it particularly difficult to navigate, causing many novice players to get lost. Additionally, the level introduces a terrifying enemy known as “Big Mom”, adding to the pressure and difficulty of the game.

The opening mission of the level is to “sneak into the paradise”. Players must pass a bus and enter a door that needs to be lifted. It is crucial for the team to lift the door together quickly, as enemies will be generated nearby at the beginning of the difficult level. If the door is lifted too slowly, players may face severe consequences.

Once inside, the map space becomes spacious, with multiple routes to choose from. The left route is recommended as it is safer, while the front and right routes encounter blind giants and require cooperation to break a door. It is important for teammates to help break the door in time to avoid being hit by a wave of damage.

Players will come across the “heart room” shortly after taking the left route. This room allows players to take hearts, which are essential for completing tasks and reducing pressure on teammates. Hearts can be thrown to activate mechanisms and open doors, advancing the mission.

The next task is to “obtain the qualification to enter the root tunnel”. Players must throw hearts to win games and obtain tickets, which need to be delivered to the ticket booth. A map near the heart room indicates the target game, helping players navigate without getting lost.

Once all the tickets are delivered, players can enter the secure area behind the ticket booth. It is important to note that the hearts in the heart room will disappear after all the tickets are delivered. Hearts can be used to clear traps, making them a valuable item for players to utilize.

In the safe area, players will watch a short plot and then proceed to push a cart. To push the cart smoothly, players must complete a series of small tasks. The first task is to “turn off the power supply of the roadblock”. Players need to find the power supply along the wires and turn off all roadblocks before pushing the cart to avoid attracting enemies.

After pushing the cart to the bottom, the task updates to “open the correct valve”. Players must open the correct valves of A, B, C, and D to advance the task. It is important to find the valves connected to the source to avoid punishment and lower sanity.

Teammates are recommended to search separately for the valves. The A and B valves are located on the left side of the cart, while the C and D valves are on the right side. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the C and D valves will generate big mothers, making the task more challenging.

Once the valves are correctly opened, players can continue pushing the cart. When the cart is almost pushed to the crushing place, a big mom will be sent to the front left. It is crucial to have someone distract the big mom to prevent the person pushing the cart from being attacked.

After the cart is completely crushed, a passage will be opened at the crushed place, serving as the exit. Players must remember to walk right in the middle to avoid getting hurt.

Returning to the heart room, players are recommended to take the left wall route to open the blocked door and pass through without lifting the door.

Finally, when reaching the bus, players must be cautious of the nearby patrolling aunt and use skills to restrain her and reach the end point.

“The Outlast Trials” offers different difficulty levels, with Plan No. 2 introducing three-star and six-star difficulties. The three-star difficulty includes higher enemy density, extra traps, and untrustworthy doors. The six-star difficulty features more deadly traps and a threat escalation with stronger enemies.

“The Outlast Trials” continues to captivate players with its challenging gameplay and immersive levels. “Crushing Rotten Apples” promises to test players’ skills and provide a thrilling gaming experience.

How does the maze-like area in the cart level of “The Outlast Trials” increase the difficulty and intensity of the gameplay?


Once the roadblocks are cleared, players will encounter “Big Mom” for the first time. This enemy is a massive, powerful figure that requires careful navigation and strategy to defeat. Players must coordinate their attacks and use their resources wisely to stand a chance against this formidable foe.

After defeating “Big Mom”, players will continue pushing the cart and face more challenges along the way. They will encounter a maze-like area with multiple paths and obstacles, adding to the difficulty and intensity of the level.

The final task is to “activate the main switch” to complete the level. Players must navigate through a series of rooms and solve puzzles to reach the main switch, all while avoiding deadly traps and enemies.

“Crushing Rotten Apples” offers a truly challenging and intense experience for players who are seeking the ultimate test of their skills. With its complex map layout, terrifying enemies, and demanding tasks, this level will push players to their limits and require careful coordination and communication with teammates.

Overall, “Crushing Rotten Apples” in “The Outlast Trials” is a thrilling addition to the game’s difficulty options. It offers a unique and challenging experience that will satisfy even the most hardcore players, making it a must-play for fans of the series.

2 thoughts on “Navigating the Challenging Levels of “The Outlast Trials”: Tips, Strategies, and Walkthrough”

  1. “The Outlast Trials” can be a daunting game, but fear not! This article provides insightful tips, strategies, and a helpful walkthrough to navigate the challenging levels. Ready to uncover the secrets and survive the horrors? Let this guide be your ultimate companion.

  2. “The Outlast Trials appears to be a gripping and intense game. This article provides valuable tips, strategies, and a walkthrough to help players navigate the challenging levels successfully. A must-read for gamers eager to conquer this thrilling adventure!”


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