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National Board’s Response to Party Chairman’s Resignation: Recognizing Hans Huibers’ Contributions and Initiatives

Response of the National Board

The National Board has taken note of the decision of our party chairman, Hans Huibers, to step down. We naturally respect his decision and are indebted to Hans for his efforts over the past period.

Under difficult circumstances, Hans has recently taken initiatives to initiate the recovery of the party and party renewal in various areas.
His commitment and enthusiasm from the start of the new National Board have been indispensable in this.

Hans has worked hard on building from the content, the use of young talent, the scouting of new image carriers and vitality in the association. For example, a start has been made with initiatives such as Jong naar de Top, the informal network of young party leaders and aldermen, and the 50/50 project in which experienced CDA members act as mentors for younger talents and have an eye for diversity in the committees. The necessary restructuring of the party office has also been initiated.

His tireless efforts to visit many CDA departments should not go unmentioned. He has always done this with great enthusiasm and a lot of positivity.

We wish Hans all the best and are grateful for his great contribution to our party.

In the context of continuity in this important period, current vice chairman and secretary Mark Buck will act as acting chairman for the time being.

Yours sincerely,

The National Board:
Mark Buck, René Bolle, Wendy Zuidema-Haans, Devie Badloe and Ciel Stevens-Meewis

2023-08-10 19:48:12
#Hans #Huibers #steps #party #chairman

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