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Nashville renames a street in honor of a drag queen

The City of Nashville, Tennessee has decided to make a historic gesture during Pride Month by naming a street in honor of a drag queen.

Part of Carney Street has therefore been renamed “Bianca Paige Road”, CNN reported on Sunday.

This honor aims to highlight the contribution to his community of Mark Middleton, who had Bianca Paige as a stage name.

The latter died in 2010 of lymphoma, after contracting HIV, said the American media.

Mark Middleton, alias Bianca Paige, had used his visibility to raise awareness about AIDS and had succeeded in raising more than $ 1 million to fund research against this disease.

And Nashville would be the first city in the United States to rename a street in honor of a drag queen, City Mayor John Cooper said on Twitter.

The street in question is located very close to the city center, close to the Trax bar, where Bianca Paige was regularly in representation.

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