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NASA’s Voyager 1 Spacecraft Returns Information for the First Time since Laptop Malfunction

Em report issued on Wednesday (22), the NASA says the Voyager 1 spacecraft has returned scientific knowledge from two of its 4 devices for the primary time for the reason that spacecraft’s pc malfunction final November.

In line with the company, “the mission’s scientific instrument groups are actually deciding steps to recalibrate the 2 remaining devices, which can probably occur within the coming weeks.” The achievement marks vital progress in the direction of returning the spacecraft to regular operations.

In April, after 5 months of monitoring for the reason that preliminary pc drawback, the mission managed to get the spacecraft to start returning usable engineering knowledge in regards to the well being and standing of its onboard techniques, together with devices scientific.

“Then, on Might 17, the crew despatched instructions to the 46-year-old spacecraft that allowed them to start sending scientific knowledge again to Earth,” NASA stated.

A crew celebrates after discovering return indicators from NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft for the primary time in months. Credit score: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Learn extra:

The staff discovers the supply of the issue that paralyzed the Voyager probe

With the probe Voyager 1 situated greater than 24 billion km from Terra, mild takes greater than 22 and a half hours to succeed in the spacecraft and 22 and a half hours for a sign to return from it. Consequently, the staff needed to wait virtually two days to see if their orders had been profitable.

In line with a NASA press launch, the plasma wave subsystem and the magnetometric instrument are actually returning usable scientific knowledge. “As a part of the hassle to revive Voyager 1 to regular operations, the mission continues to work on the cosmic ray subsystem and the low-energy particle instrument,” the company defined.

The paths of the Voyager 1 and a couple of probes Credit score: NASA

The staff ultimately found that the November drawback stemmed from a small portion of corrupted reminiscence within the flight knowledge subsystem, one of many spacecraft’s three computer systems. Amongst different issues, this method is designed to bundle knowledge from scientific devices in addition to engineering knowledge in regards to the well being and standing of the spacecraft earlier than sending that data to Earth.

Launched in 1977, the spacecraft Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, will have a good time 47 years of operation in 2024. They’re the longest-running spacecraft at NASA, in addition to the primary and solely mission to discover past the heliosphere.

Created by the Solar, this bubble of magnetic fields and the photo voltaic wind pushes in opposition to the interstellar medium, a sea of ​​particles created by exploding stars elsewhere on the the world The Milky Manner. Each probes handed by Jupiter and Saturn, and Voyager 2 additionally handed by Uranus and Neptune.

2024-05-23 18:26:00
#Voyager #probe #wakes #months #dormant #deep #area

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