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NASA’s Orion crew vehicle has successfully completed a lunar flyby

NASA’s Orion spacecraft has it One of the main maneuvers of the maiden voyage: Comes within 81 miles of the lunar surface. This is important for several reasons, not least because it’s a critical test for a transmission.

It made four course corrections on its way to the moon, but this time the Orbital Maneuvering System motors fired for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This mighty is accelerated to speeds of over 580 MPH. When the fire started, the unmanned spacecraft was traveling at 5,023 mph, 238 miles above the moon. Shortly after it burned up, it was 81 miles above the lunar surface and traveling at 5,102 miles per hour.

Flaming flight is one of two maneuvers required for Orion to enter its retrograde orbit around the Moon. Next up is the very retrograde orbital entry fire, which is expected to happen Friday at 4:52 PM ET. Orion will remain in this orbit for about a week to test various systems, including guidance, navigation, communications, power and thermal control. Notably, a long retrograde orbit will bring Orion within 40,000 miles of the Moon. The spacecraft is expected to return to Earth on December 11th.

He will reveal more details about the flyby burn and provide an update on post-launch evaluation of the Space Launch System rocket and Earth Exploration System (including the launch tower) in a Monday press conference at 5 p.m. ET. Meanwhile, engineers were investigating a RAM glitch in the starter, which was fixed by power cycles. Another team investigated an issue that caused one of the service’s eight cellular modules that provide solar power to the crew module to open multiple times without a command. There were no significant effects due to the hiccups.

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