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Narbonne. Virus circulation does not slow down truck drivers

the essential
As the English variant of the virus circulates in Europe, truck drivers are not given priority for the vaccine. Do they consider themselves more exposed than other professions? Between barrier gestures and PCR tests, how do they protect themselves, while avoiding becoming in turn vectors of the virus?

At the Croix du Sud roadhouse, one of the few to have obtained permission to open in the evening, we are at the crossroads of Europe. Here, truck drivers come to eat, enjoy a shower and share a bit of conviviality, before finding the solitude of their cabin. As border restrictions tighten, they travel freely, or almost. So are they afraid of taking this famous variant which travels at full speed in their cargo? Are they eager to benefit from vaccine protection?

From showers to restaurants, we’re tracking the virus

“The virus? With the drivers, we try to talk about something else because it’s exhausting!”, launches Rémy Carnelos, head of the Eurotruck. If he has lost his usual lunchtime clientele, he serves around a hundred covers each evening, only truck drivers. In his establishment, wearing a mask is compulsory if one is not seated at the table, drinks at the bar are prohibited and hydroalcoholic gel is required. The boss watches over the grain and constantly reminds the sanitary protocol.

“But we cannot prevent the truckers from regrouping”. So we track down the virus even in the showers (12 indoors). “Normally, cleaning is performed between each shower. A virucidal disinfectant product tested on the Covid has been added.” In the restaurant, the truck drivers are seated at individual tables. “They often arrive in groups that know each other. In this case they have the right to be together and we offer tables of 8 people. After the meal, the tables are cleaned with a virucidal product… it was good, we have it. already had !”. Rémy Carnelos believes, however, that “the population of truck drivers should be protected because they meet a lot of people, they deliver in companies (in some they no longer have access to the toilets). If we have fewer English drivers, we have a lot of Spaniards who stop and some also make Italy “.

The question being “Do we have the means to vaccinate the drivers in terms of the quantity of vaccines?”. As for the boss, is he afraid of the virus? “I caught it just before Christmas (my wife works at the hospital and she caught it), so I’m fine. I’m immune for a few months. But if my immune test isn’t good, will get vaccinated as soon as I can “.

The word to the truckers

Valentin, 25 years old: “The vaccine, I don’t want it! I am also a firefighter and I have not been asked. You can catch the Covid like a gastro and it does not cause more deaths than “other illnesses. I always have gloves and a mask when I work. If I had had to catch it, it would have already been done. At the moment, transport is mainly limited to France and Spain. But if I am offered to go to England, I will go directly! “.

Nicolas, 39 years old: “The vaccine is not a guarantee. If I get vaccinated, will I be able to take off my mask and kiss my loved ones? Otherwise, it is useless. Everywhere we go there is a health protocol and I apply it out of respect for others. I travel all over France but I wouldn’t mind going to England, as long as it pays and I’m protected. The boss provides masks and gel “.

Valéry, 46 years old: “I’m going as far as Spain and I was still there this Monday. It would be a good idea to be among the first vaccinated because we have contact with a lot of people. When we deliver, we stay in the cabin, we are not allowed to go to the docks, we put our key in an envelope and we do not touch anything. But it does not happen like that in all companies. I try to protect myself as best as possible, but we can catch it anyway. I did not do any tests, but I consulted my doctor who reassured me “.

David, 46 years old: “I will go with the movement: if I am offered the vaccine, I will. Besides, I would prefer to do it to feel protected and for others. Truck drivers are not exposed like caregivers, but it is I have to be careful. I live alone with my 21 year old son, and it is rather he who could give me the virus! “.

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