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Nanotrices and respirators can be used repeatedly

“You can wear the nanotube repeatedly until it wears out mechanically. Unlike standard drapes, the nanotray will not stop working, even if it gets wet, “Jiří Kůs, head of the executive board of the nanotechnology industry of the Czech Republic, told Práva.

According to him, the veil must be treated with ethanol spray disinfection every time it is removed, which can also be ordered online, or it can be washed at 30 degrees.

“But we do not recommend boiling them, as is the case with textile drapes. This would destroy the nanomembrane, “he warned. According to him, people should not improvise and use other spirits or alcoholic beverages. They may contain additives that would degrade the drape. With proper regular disinfection, the nanotowel can easily last for several days of use.

Respirators can also be disinfected, but not with ethanol disinfectant, but, for example, in the oven. “If you expose them to a temperature of 70 degrees for five hours, the virus will break down,” a representative of one of the major suppliers of respirators told Práva.

According to Kůs, interest in veils has increased dramatically in recent days.

Stocks for the month

“We are seeing 10 to 20 times more interest compared to summer. We used to be able to deliver by the next day, now we are processing orders from September 11th. But people don’t have to worry that they won’t get veils, “he added.

According to the spokesman of the State Material Reserves Administration (SSHR) Jakub Linka, medical facilities now have stocks of protective equipment for a month. Then, if necessary, it will be time to replenish the SSHR stock.

“The government has ordered us to stockpile protective equipment for two months of a possible crisis. However, these protective aids would not come until it was exhausted. For example, hospitals currently have their own supplies for at least a month. The individual ministries also supplied themselves. According to the government’s decision, they will now keep the supplies for two months and transfer everything they have purchased to the reserves, “SSHR spokesman Jakub Linka told Práva.

According to him, the administration has concluded contracts for nine of the eleven types of protective equipment. These include 16 million drapes, 400,000 FFP3 respirators from Mediservis, 21.6 million medical gloves from Batist Medical or almost 3,000 FFP3 half mask filters from Sigma Research and Development Institute. Tenders for FFP2 class respirators in the volume of 1.5 million units and over 700,000 FFP3 units remain to be closed.

Transfers from resorts

For a possible second month of deliveries, SSHR has stocks partially settled thanks to the transfer of surplus protective equipment from individual ministries. For example, according to Linka, the Ministry of the Interior transfers 59 million veils and 8.1 million FFP2 respirators to the SSHR.

“That’s why it’s already clear that we don’t even have to place some orders for the purchase of protective equipment for the second month of stocks. We have enough of them. These are, for example, drapes, FFP2 class respirators, filters for FFP3 class respirators, goggles or protective shields, “he said.

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