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Nagita Slavina Has a Business with an Income of IDR 10 Billion, Raffi Ahmad is Shocked & Don’t Know


Raffi Ahmad | recently admitted to being surprised, Bunda. This is because his wife, Nagita Slavina, has a business that is unknown to him.

This was revealed when the couple traveled to Malang, East Java. There, Raffi brought his family to meet Gilang Widya Pramana and Shandy Purnamasari.

For the mother to know, Gilang and Shandy are the owners of the beauty company MS Glow. Where, the head office is in the city.

“So this is a new office,” said Raffi when he entered a building that was full of Gilang’s business products, as quoted from channel YouTube Rans Entertaiment on Thursday (20/5/2021).

“It’s been six months, since the beginning of the year (the office was opened),” continued Gilang and his wife.

Upon entering the building, the room they passed was completely filled, Bunda. There were piles of boxes arranged high so that they almost reached the ceiling of the room.

Then in one part, you will see a hijab product from MS glow. The product is packaged in a small box with Nagita’s face as the face cover on the front.

Raffi, who had just seen the product, initially seemed confused. He also approached and took one of the piles.

“This is the one who has …” asked Raffi to Nagita.

“This is the hijab,” he pointed to himself.

Receiving this response, Raffi suddenly said that he did not know at all, Bunda. “I don’t know her husband, you know.”

“Do you have a hijab business?” continued Raffi.

“I have other coffers,” answered Nagita Slavina.

Gilang who was there also told Raffi about the income from the hijab they sell. The results of this hijab collaboration have generated up to IDR 10 billion.

Rafathar’s mother also revealed that she rarely asked Raffi for money. This is because the woman born in Jakarta has her own source of income.

“That’s why I never asked for it, right? The important thing is to be independent, yes, my wife troublesome husband, “she said again.

Check out more information on the following page, Mother.

Also check out five ways to make money from ornamental plants in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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