Home » today » Technology » Mutationem will be released on PS4 and PS5 in Q3 2021 – Igromania

Mutationem will be released on PS4 and PS5 in Q3 2021 – Igromania

news/101223/Kiberpankovoe_priklyuchenie_ANNO_Mutationem_vyydet_na_PS4_i_PS5_v_3_kvartale_2021_goda.html"> Developers THE YEAR: change – adventure with RPG elements in the style of cyberpunk – announced an approximate release date project on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. It will take place in the third quarter of this year, although initially the release only on PS4 was supposed to take place before the end of 2020.-

The team sincerely regrets the delay in the project, but decided to spend extra time improving the quality of the game. At the same time, ANNO: Mutationem will continue to be optimized for the PlayStation 5. Also, by the way, the game should be released on PC, but nothing has been announced about the release date on this platform, and in Steam simply indicated as “2021”.-

ANNO: Mutationem tells about Ann, a skilled lone soldier who will have to confront greedy monsters, mysterious marginal groups and mega-corporations. At the same time, the heroine skillfully owns melee weapons and firearms, and the players are promised a lot of locations and opportunities for research in the course of an intricate plot.

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