Home » today » Sport » Mr. Pitsilis, reply concerning the invention of Particular Etiology – 2024-05-23 09:44:52

Mr. Pitsilis, reply concerning the invention of Particular Etiology – 2024-05-23 09:44:52

The Authority issued a response to Documento’s publication that the top of the DOU Chalkida, who was arrested as a member of the ring of tax officers who extorted residents, had been positioned within the particular place with a doc from the commander of the AADE that substantiated her utilizing the trick of “Particular Reasoning” .

Particularly, Documento delivered to gentle a choice by G. Pitsilis dated 7/3/2023 which said:

“We choose and place the worker Evanthia Tyli of Dimitrios, PE/A/Ephoriak, as Head of the Directorate of the D.O.Y. Chalkidas of the Common Directorate of Tax Operations (G.D.F.L.) of the Impartial Public Income Authority (AADE)”

In its response, AADE avoids responding to the substance of the journalistic revelations and is content material to say that the Particular Reasoning didn’t concern the particular worker, however different individuals.

Particularly, AADE’s response to Documento states:

“Relating to yesterday’s article in your newspaper concerning the placement of the Head of Directorate of the D.O.Y. Chalkidas, we inform you that the Head of Directorate of D.O.Y. Halkidas of the Common Directorate of Tax Operations of the AADE was appointed with the standard process, with out Particular Reasoning from the Governor, as you wrongly state in it. The particular justification issues the appointment of one other supervisor, who was appointed by the identical resolution.

We plead for the quick restoration of the reality.”

The AADE, nevertheless, should deliver the doc of the Particular Reasoning to the general public gentle, in order that the residents are knowledgeable who it issues. Who, in different phrases, is the one who was promoted with the Particular Motive of the Commander, bypassing the target standards.

Additionally, the commander of the AADE, Giorgos Pitsilis himself, should give a proof as to why he has bypassed the civil service code and the target standards via the trick of Particular Reasoning. Why did he invent the so-called Particular Reasoning, to be able to bypass wonderful candidates, individuals with doctorates and different scientific titles, so {that a} choose few take positions within the AADE.

Complaints in opposition to Pitsilis at an unsuspected time

In a tragic irony, solely two weeks in the past Documento had reported on this provocative ploy utilized in AADE. In its publication, Documento delivered to gentle complaints in opposition to G. Pitsilis for favoritism in appointments and arbitrariness with the projection of a obscure “particular justification”.

Particularly, he was referring to non-transparent recruitment of high-ranking workers who overlook the formal {qualifications} of different candidates and downgrade them throughout oral interviews in order that the AADE commander himself lastly selects these he likes underneath the pretext of “particular causes”.

The grievance got here institutionally from the Affiliation of Graduates of the College of Public Administration and Self-Authorities (ENAP ESDDA), which in its memorandum to the Governor himself and the Board of Administrators of AADE, said that there isn’t a transparency within the choice and placement of candidates in high-ranking positions ( heads of natural items), because the commander of the AADE has the likelihood to bypass the rating and to not choose the candidates based mostly on rating order however on the idea of some particular justification, which he invokes in a big share of his selections.

In reality, from a fast take a look at the related declarations in Diaugeia, it may be seen that 30.56% of the particular positions have been full of a particular justification of the commander G. Pitsilis and by direct task.

They extorted companies

The circuit of tax officers had managed to extract 95,600 euros from businessmen within the space. It isn’t simply an incident however the regular operation of the mafia working throughout the AADE.

All this after an investigation by the Greek Police for (one other) ring working throughout the Impartial Public Income Authority. The Chalkida case was secretly investigated by the Inner Affairs Directorate of ELAS, and thus telephone calls and an everyday investigation had been carried out which led to arrests.

For a while now, Documento has highlighted “black” practices utilized by circles of tax officers in AADE throughout the days of Giorgos Pitsilis, whereas it had additionally despatched to the European prosecutor the carbine case for the unlawful and devastating positive of 270,000 euros (!) in opposition to the newspaper after the set examine.

Learn additionally:

Splashes, filth and Mafia

Chalkida: The “chosen” of Pitsilis, the “Albanian” line, and the position of “Lina” – That is how the ring of tax extortionists operated

“Chosen” of Pitsilis the elected head of the Secondary College of Chalkida – She was appointed “with a particular justification of the Governor of AADE” (Doc)

Chalkida: Deputy Minister Spanakis had awarded the top of DOU, the ring of tax extortionists

Chalkida: The tax mafia hierarchy – The notebooks with the quantities and names (Video)

Chalkida: Extortion of businessmen and “booty” of 95,600 euros – That is how the tax ring operated

Tax mafia blackmails businessmen

#Pitsilis #reply #invention #Particular #Etiology

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