Home » today » Health » Mountainside Fitness Prepares to Reopen Gyms in Arizona Tuesday | Univision Phoenix KTVW

Mountainside Fitness Prepares to Reopen Gyms in Arizona Tuesday | Univision Phoenix KTVW

After which gyms challenge Governor Doug Ducey’s executive order and they had to close their doors, this August 4 the exercise venues involved in the lawsuit, They sang victory after a judge pointed out that the order to close the gyms violated due process and they must reopen with their sanitary guidelines.

According to a statement from the mountainside Fitness gym chain, some of the judge’s reasons, was that there is very little evidence that locals to exercise represent a health hazard, if they follow sanitary protocols.

This week Mountainside Fitness and other gyms may open, but following the necessary guidelines, so apparently the court ruled in his favor.

After the victory, Tom Hatten, the founder of Mountainside Fitness gyms released a statement stating that his franchise will reopen on August 11.

“We look forward to seeing the most loyal fitness members in Arizona next Tuesday as we all celebrate getting back into the business of strong hearts, strong minds and strong bodies,” Tom Hatten wrote in a statement.

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