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Motorbike Trapped Between Two Trucks: Be Careful Riding Near Large Vehicles


Riding a motorbike near large vehicles such as truck you have to be careful and calculating. Because, if not, disaster might happen.

Recently, a video showing a male motorbike trapped by two large trucks went viral on social media. He, who was riding a black motorbike, was right in the middle of the two vehicles.

This condition makes it impossible to move forward or backward. That’s why, through his behavior, he seemed to be asking the two truck drivers to move so that he could be freed.

The motorbike was crushed by 2 large trucks. Photo: Screenshot

It is not known where the incident occurred. However, if you pay attention, the recording was not taken in Indonesia, but abroad. Until this news was published, the short broadcast had been viewed 44 thousand times on Instagram.

Unfortunately, the video also doesn’t show the moments before the motorbike was stuck. Was he the one who ‘split’ the two trucks, or was it the trucks that came closer together, causing him to become depressed?

However, apart from that, you must be careful when riding a motorbike near trucks. Because the risk of harm is greater and fatal.

Be careful riding a motorbike near a truck or bus

Director of Training Safety Defensive Consultant Indonesia (SDCI), Sony Susmana, reminded us to always be careful when riding a motorbike near trucks. According to him, there are five main characters that make these large vehicles often cause casualties.

“Driving near large vehicles is very dangerous. First, the blind spot is big. Second, the maneuver requires space. Third, the brakes often fail. Fourth, it is easy to roll. Then fifth, the momentum is large, so if an accident is usually fatal,” said Sony to detikOto.

According to him, when near a truck, motorbike riders should immediately step on the gas or increase speed. Apart from that, he said, it could also provide space for them to get ahead.

“Essentially, avoid driving in front of the bus. If you have to, just reduce the vehicle’s speed to give way or step on the gas to get away,” he said.

Watch the video “Exciting, the condition of the garbage truck is unfit for use, the back door almost fell off”


2024-01-20 08:44:49
#Seconds #motorbike #stuck #big #trucks #hard

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