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more than four in ten employees say they do not have a bowel movement at work

According to a recent survey, 42% of employees admit to being ashamed to have a bowel movement at work.

Going to the bathroom is important, whether to urinate or defecate. However, not everyone is comfortable defecating outside the home. According to a recent study carried out by Ifop on behalf of Diogène-France, which specializes in the field of “clearance and cleaning”, 42% of employees would not have a bowel movement at work. A practice that can have serious health consequences.

Employees feel shame about having a bowel movement at work

In detail, the new survey states that 53% of women do not go to the toilet at their workplace. 30% also admit to having developed avoidance techniques so as not to use their company’s toilets. 42% of those surveyed say they do not have a bowel movement at work, and 7% do not urinate there. “Young women seem to be the ones who encounter the least problems in this type of situation: only 28% of those under 30 indicate that they are unable to defecate at work, while the proportion rises to 69% among their elders aged 40. at age 49,” the study states.

Having a bowel movement still seems taboo among most employees. In fact, 53% of those questioned declared feel a sense of embarrassment when they intended to, either because of noise or smells (60% among women). This to be caused by a simple fact, the absence of separate toilets. 34% of employees specify that they do not have one at their workplace. Cleanliness is also a factor to consider. 55% consider their work toilets dirty. We also learn that 45% believe that these places are not isolated enough, and 43% that they are nauseating. In addition, the most uninhibited employees admit to being discouraged by the frequent and recurring shortages of toilet paper or the technical problems of the toilets.

Ifop recalls that “stool retention goes hand in hand with a high prevalence of functional intestinal disorders which, very logically, affect women more strongly”. Note, women are generally more prone to constipation, digestive disorders and painful defections.

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