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Mood: guerrilla scenes in Nkolfulou-Yaoundé

Motorcycles speeding in all directions and all the arteries ofUploaded 1village a stone’s throw from the university town of Soa ; police and gendarmerie vans driving at full speed, carrying anti-riot elements. This is the scene experienced by users of the Yaoundé-Soa road this morning of November 28, 2023. At the origin of this commotion, an attack led by a squad of mototaximen coming from the side of Ngousso, and doc of the capital. We learn that they came from the Manguier district. “ I went down to Soa, and when I came back up, I noticed that there was a pack of benskiners behind me; I gave way, they passed, armed with clubs and machetes. That’s when I realize something is wrong. They continue, and I realize that they are threatening and beating the other bensikers. They arrived towards Wague (a private school in Nkolfoulou, editor’s note)), broke up businesses, then turned around. This is where my passengers and I abandoned the car to take shelter in a shop», says a transporter on the Yaoundé-Soa line. “ Arriving at Nkolfoulou, they pursued the benskiners in the area they were hitting and they fled. Traders closed their shops until calm returned », Adds another carrier.

At the Soa Gendarmerie Brigade, users wait indefinitely to be received, in vain. The gendarmes come and go, walking in a hurry. “ One of our elements noticed that there was a strange situation, he wanted to find out and possibly intervene; unfortunately, he was attacked and injured with a machete», We learn from a Pandora serving in this unit. Hence the commitment of elements of this brigade. “ Things are heating up in Nkolfoulou; the police will first take care of the emergency before seeing your case», Launched this lady, shortly before 12 p.m., to the users who have been gathering since the morning, without being received.

According to consistent sources, it all started with the death of a taxi driver whose body was discovered at daybreak in a gutter between the place called Petit marche Fougerolle and the Carrefour Nkolfoulou. « There were three of them on motorbikes, they snatched a bag and other motorbike taxis started chasing them; arriving at the Petit stadium, they were caught; the other two managed to escape and he was lynched», Reports a resident of the neighborhood. “It seems that it was the survivors who went to alert their friends who came to take revenge », concludes this sixty-year-old. It is said that this squad of motorcycle drivers left from the Manguier district, in the first district of the city of Yaoundé, to launch the punitive operation. “ The GMI did not arrive until nearly forty-five minutes after the outbreak of hostilities; they had time to crack down», Regrets a resident of Nkofoulou.

Around 1 p.m., the body had already been removed and riot police took control of the scene. Shops have reopened, activities have also resumed on this section. The perpetrators of these abuses are being sought.

The article Humor: guerrilla scenes in Nkolfulou-Yaoundé appeared first on News du Cameroun.

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