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Montpellier: A March for the Climate without political color, a White March

Montpellier, a march for the Climate without political color. The appointment is given this Sunday March 28 at 2:00 p.m., Place de l’Europe. A march that wants to be apartisan. The only cause to defend: the climate.

A record: almost 400 organizations join several members of the Citizen’s Climate Convention who had called at the beginning of March, to “A march for a real climate law. “ Objective: denounce the lack of ambition Bill. Nowadays, the website viveoiclimat.fr note 143 events scheduled for March 28.

Montpellier, acting together: a white march for the climate

Act together, for an ambitious law up to today’s ecological challenges, so that tomorrow exists. They are convinced of it. They are: Sabrina Renaut and Élisabeth Jaune. And faced with the citizens’ convention, they were rather optimistic, but here it is: “It’s still a little bluff with a democratic stake that has not been respected,” explains Sabrina Renaut, a citizen committed to the defense of the environment.

SEE ALSO: Citizen’s Convention: Macron announces a referendum, a trompe-l’oeil to camouflage inaction on the climate?

[VIDEO] Interview with Sabrina Renaut and Élisabeth Jaune:

“A sacred union”

So this step, it will be white, “Without political or union colors, without logos, without bias. ” The climate is not owned by anyone, but everyone’s project, an urgent project. Élisabeth Jaune, involved in this event, calls for “A sacred union,” the day before Monday March 29 when, at 4:00 p.m., the discussion will begin in public session, in the National Assembly, on this bill entitled: “Fight against climate change and strengthen resilience in the face of its effects. “ Note that the government had initiated the accelerated procedure on this text on February 10, 2021.

In Montpellier, March 28 at 2:00 p.m .: appointment is given for a meeting of citizens, who want to send a strong message: “We want a TRUE Climate Law that takes into account the 149 proposals of citizens. ” The departure will be Place de l’Europe, to defend too many measures ignored, or weakened, or even delayed.

Disappointed by the citizens’ convention on the climate, a sort of fashionable political gadget, Guy Kulitza, member drawn by lot, expresses the importance of a mobilization: “Join us in the street, on Sunday March 28, to demand, on the eve of its examination, a bill equal to the looming climate crisis. And thus give the possibility of a future to those who will come after us. “

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