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‘Miranda y Tato’, books to bring the SDGs closer to young people


The collection of youth books ‘Miranda y Tato’, presented this week and edited by Edelvives, was created with the aim of bringing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda closer to young readers.

Written by Itziar Miranda (‘Amar es para siempre’), Jorge Miranda and Nacho Rubio (‘Camera Café’), with illustrations by Ángeles Ruiz, the work is a continuation of ‘Miranda Collection’, which brought together biographies of extraordinary women who have made history.

In the case of ‘Miranda y Tato’, it is about socially committed fictional stories where the protagonists will discover different injustices, show their concern and get involved to make a more just and sustainable world. In this way, through reading, we want to encourage minors and young people to be more aware and commit to the reality that surrounds them.

Some of the SDGs that are addressed in the collection are the end of poverty, zero hunger, the reduction of inequalities, quality education, gender equality, decent work or economic growth.

“This is a courageous and uncompromising literary proposal because we believe in the need to educate an active citizenry. In the collection we find funny but also real stories that generate a social conscience,” he said at the presentation ceremony, held at the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, the director of editorial creation of the Edelvives Group, Rosa Luengo.

The first two books in the collection are ‘Kid, what are you doing with my shirt?’ and ‘If you want to help me, leave me alone’, which are already on sale through the website of the Edelvives publishing house, shops and bookstores. In total, the collection will consist of six stories: the next two will be released at Christmas and the last two in the spring of 2022.

For the author Itziar Miranda, “young people are the ones who shake the world and realize everything.” “We do not like to speak to our daughters with euphemisms and in this book the same thing happens. Young readers are hooked on these books because they tell true stories. We also think that prejudices can only be changed through education,” he adds.

Another of the authors, Jorge Miranda, highlights his “respect for children’s literature.” “We think that the next generation is very advanced in many of the issues that we deal with here, such as the environment or other social issues,” he stresses.

“Young audiences are used to very fast stimuli, and we thought it was necessary to mix formats and genres to get hooked with them. We come from the audiovisual world and that is why we always think about doing something very visual. We also experiment with script writing and theater. We soon realized that we had got it right “, says the other author, Nacho Rubio.


Meanwhile, the writer of the prologue to the books, Federico Buyolo, who was former director general of the Office of the High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda and current deputy director in the Ministry of Education, specifies that “unlike the Agenda for the year 2000, the 2030 Agenda is much more complex. “

“It shows us how we have to live in the present without forgetting the past and to claim rights for everyone, regardless of where they were born. It is important to get this agenda to the public,” he stressed during the presentation.

The event was also attended by Father Ángel, founder and president of the NGO Mensajeros de la Paz, for whom “we are currently living in a time of great social awareness.” “We worry about which world we are going to leave our children but the world we leave is much better than the one our parents left us and the one our parents’ parents left to them. The civilian population is doing many good things and there are to bring this up, “he emphasized.

In the same vein, the executive director of UNICEF Spain, Javier Martos, has expressed: “These books are full of emotions. The concept of citizenship begins with education by creating emancipated beings capable of demanding their rights and committing themselves. Education is the resource for to get out of underdevelopment, that is why it is important to invest in it “

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