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Miracle! A Bulgarian woman became pregnant in Turkey after being told that we…

Spouses Jurkyush and Radostin Rakhnevi, who live in Bulgaria, have been together for 4 years. They went to Turkey in the hope of conceiving because they cannot have children naturally.

They were told they would never have a child

Doctors in Bulgaria told the couple that they would never have a child, Demiroren Agency (DHA) reported.

The only way to get one is by the “in vitro” method.

Gynecologist Prof. Dr. Sabri Çavkaitar and urologist Prof. Dr. Bulent Erol at an Istanbul private hospital, however, provided them with personalized treatment. After the successful treatment process, in the past month they were able to get their son Hristo.

Turkey’s success in IVF treatment

After happily returning to Bulgaria, the couple expressed their feelings to the Demiroren agency: “After reading about Turkey’s success in IVF treatment, we decided to leave immediately. We have found that Turkish doctors are unique in their profession and treat their patients with great understanding. Thanks to them, we got our son.”

Couples should not lose their faith

Mother Yurkush Rahneva said: “They gave us the greatest gift. The feeling of being a mother is wonderful.. We are grateful to our doctors who made us experience this happiness. Turkish doctors are our heroes. My only advice to couples considering IVF is to not lose faith and never give up.

There are definitely good doctors in Bulgaria, but we have seen the attitude of Turkish doctors towards patients and their professional experience, and we can definitely say that they are unique in this field.”

The fetus is born after a healthy pregnancy

Prof. Dr. Sabri Chavkaitar explained the treatment process.

“Our 40-year-old patient Yurkush Rahnev and his wife applied to us from Bulgaria. Egg count and sperm count were very low. We created two embryos from a personalized treatment program. With surgery, we removed a problem found in the uterus. Their son, Hristo, made the family happy and was born after a healthy pregnancy. We are also happy as parents because we are part of this miracle.”


A combination treatment was applied

Urologist Prof. Dr. Bülent Erol added: “When our patient came to the clinic, he had some immobile and deformed sperm. After administration of combined treatment including hormonal drugs, an increase in sperm count and quality was observed and then it was decided to start in vitro treatment. After this attempt, a pregnancy occurred and the couple had their son,” he concluded.

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