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Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

Five theater ensembles in Baden-Württemberg were awarded the Lamathea State Amateur Theater Prize on Monday (November 1st) in Pforzheim. Germany’s only state government award for amateur theater and civic engagement goes to ensembles in Böblingen, Hayingen, Stetten akM, Stuttgart and Ulm. They share the total prize money of 10,000 euros. An undoped special prize for life’s work went to actor, director and technician Arthur Hilberer in the Ortenau district.

“The country’s amateur theaters reach more than two million viewers each year. With the award of the Lamathea, we also honor the great voluntary commitment of the theater professionals and numerous supporters in the many amateur theaters in the country, ”said State Secretary for Art Petra Olschowski at the award on Monday (November 1st) in the Kulturhaus Osterfeld in Pforzheim. “Baden-Württemberg is the only federal state that awards such an amateur theater award, but with good reason: whether puppet theater or theater with children and young people, whether indoor or open-air theater, whether dialect plays or theater with a sociocultural background – all productions impress with their artistic quality and high creativity. “

To be awarded the Lamathea 2021:

  • Category theater with children and adolescents:
    In between; Project ensemble dance theater of the art school Böblingen
  • Category open air theater:
    The little Prince; Naturtheater Hayingen eV
  • Dialect theater category
    Stetten so close to heaven; Stetten Summer Theater
  • Indoor theater category
    Called Gospodin; game operation, Stuttgart
  • Category theater with a socio-cultural background
    Half life; Teatro International eV, Ulm
  • Special award in the Lifetime Achievement and Civic Commitment category
    Arthur Hilberer; Burgbühne and Junge Bühne Oberkirch

The award-winning groups from five theater categories will each receive prize money of 2,000 euros and a trophy. This year’s undoped special prize went to Arthur Hilberer, founding member of the Burgbühne and Junge Bühne Oberkirch, who has been chairman, actor, director and technician for more than three decades and countless, especially young people, in the Ortenau district and beyond, for his extraordinary services in the theater sector Enabled access to cultural education.

Amateur theaters reach more than two million viewers each year

In Baden-Württemberg, amateur theater occupies a top position nationwide: over 600 theater groups with around 40,000 members organized in the state association alone organize almost 10,000 performances annually. The productions are not only multicultural and intergenerational, they encompass a variety of disciplines – from performing games to music, dance and improvisational theater – and reach over two million viewers annually. “This award not only distinguishes Baden-Württemberg as a cultural location, but also illustrates the enormous civic commitment in the state,” said State Secretary Petra Olschowski.

Additional Information:

State amateur theater award

The Lamathea, which is awarded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts in cooperation with the State Association of Amateur Theater, is the only award in Germany from a state government for amateur theater and civic engagement. Every two years since 2013, the State Prize has recognized exceptional artistic achievement and civic, cultural commitment at the same time. It sets an example for the preservation and promotion of an important cultural asset.

  • The competition is awarded by the Baden-Württemberg state government under the auspices of the Ministry for Science, Research and Art and in cooperation with the State Association of Amateur Theater Baden-Württemberg eV
  • The State Toto-Lotto GmbH Baden-Württemberg supports half of the prize money.
  • Homepage: www.lamathea.de

Press release as PDF

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