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Minister to auction FM radio frequencies after court ruling | Inland

The current permits expire in August. The ministry already wanted to proceed with a new distribution, but at the insistence of the House of Representatives, it was decided to extend an additional three years. The reason for this was that commercial radio stations were struggling with declining advertising income due to the corona crisis.

Radio station KINK, which now does not have an FM frequency, then went to court and was found in the right. Adriaansens sees no reason to appeal against that ruling. “In my opinion, an appeal has a small chance of success. In my opinion, the ruling is clear, understandable and well-motivated.”

Adriaansens points out that research by SEO Economic Research previously indicated that an extension by three years would be “ineffective” in solving the problems the sector is facing. A more recent study by Audify also shows that spending on radio advertising has shown a recovery since last year after the corona dip in 2020.

In accordance with the ruling, Adriaansens aims at a redistribution of the FM frequencies from September 2023. The current license holders will thus receive an extension of one year instead of three.

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