Home » today » News » Minedu: In which schools does the rule on the restart of school classes in Peru apply? | Face-to-face classes | education | Ministry of Education | revtli Trade Answers

Minedu: In which schools does the rule on the restart of school classes in Peru apply? | Face-to-face classes | education | Ministry of Education | revtli Trade Answers

The extension of the State of Emergency established by the President a few weeks ago it is about to end. This June 30, the national confinement measure ends and this has generated some doubts, for example, the .

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In that sense, the has established a ‘Protocol for the start of the face-to-face educational service for the 2020 school year’, which defines the conditions for returning to .

In principle, it is necessary to specify that this measure, stipulated by Vice-Ministerial Resolution No. 116-2020-MINEDU, covers only schools and areas that have authorization from the authorities.

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In which schools does the rule apply?

The standard approved by stipulates that the authorizations for educational institutions to apply face-to-face classes will be issued by the regional directorates of Education, or those that take their place.

Similarly, it is essential to note that the protocol approved by does not allow restart in those public schools whose classes are suspended indefinitely.

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What does the protocol establish?

The approved protocol does not establish the start of the face-to-face in the country. On the contrary, this only applies in educational institutions authorized by the , empowered by the regional directorates of Education or their peers.

Previously, the published Ministerial Resolution No. 229-2020, where it exceptionally established the beginning of from July 1 in primary and secondary schools in rural areas with limited access to the media, little or no internet connectivity and located in areas where no cases of . Only those educational institutions that meet these characteristics will be able to start face-to-face classes from the month of July.

The Vice Ministerial Resolution states in article 2 that the protocol will be applied by those institutions authorized to start with the , according to the provisions of the Minedu.

The protocol includes a series of general measures that seek to prevent and control the transmission of in the classrooms of public and private schools, as well as compliance with basic sanitary conditions.

Finally, it establishes what the characteristics of the new working day will be and what preventive measures should be applied by the members of the educational community, both individually and collectively.



What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a wide family of viruses that can cause infections ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases, which can be transmitted from animals to people (zoonotic transmission). According to studies, SARS-CoV was transmitted from the civet to humans, while MERS-CoV passed from the dromedary to people. The last known case of coronavirus is covid-19.

In summary, a new coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been found before in humans and owes its name to its appearance, as it is very similar to a corona or halo.

What is the covid-19?

Covid-19 is the infectious disease that was discovered in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, following the outbreak of the virus that began to end the lives of large numbers of people.

The name of this new coronavirus was designated by the International Committee on Virus Taxonomy as SARS-CoV-2.


Minedu published the ‘Protocol for the start of the face-to-face educational service for the 2020 school year’.

Authorization to start face-to-face classes from July 1 in rural areas


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