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Milk Benefits for Diabetic Patients: Lowering Blood Sugar and Preventing Osteoporosis

Small amount of milk does not raise blood sugar level quickly

[농축유통신문 이동원 기자]

Milk is a food rich in various nutrients that are good for our body, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. However, some diabetic patients are reluctant to consume milk due to the sugar content in milk.

The milk subsidy fund recently published an article on whether diabetic patients can consume milk in the Indian health journal INDIA.com, revealing that milk has several benefits for diabetic patients.

Diabetes is a type of metabolic disease in which insulin secretion is insufficient or normal function is not achieved. It is characterized by hyperglycemia, where the concentration of glucose in the blood increases, and hyperglycemia causes various symptoms and signs.

The causes of diabetes are divided into genetic factors and environmental factors. In the case of genetic factors, it can occur when a person who inherits a genetic constitution from his or her parents is exposed to an environment that is likely to cause diabetes. Environmental factors that cause diabetes include old age, obesity, stress, pregnancy, infection, and drugs.

For diabetic patients, managing blood sugar levels through diet is of great help. In diabetes, you need to be careful about high blood sugar, but it is important to properly control nutritional ingredients to avoid raising blood sugar. In particular, it is best for diabetic patients to include foods high in dietary fiber or with a low glycemic index.

The glycemic index indicates the effect of a food on raising blood sugar levels compared to a reference food (glucose with a GI of 100). It’s basically a numerical system that measures how quickly carbohydrates cause a rise in circulating blood sugar, and the higher the number, the faster the blood sugar response. Therefore, foods with a low GI of 55 or less are recommended for diabetic patients because blood sugar levels do not surge after consumption.

In this regard, milk has several benefits for diabetics. First of all, milk contains not only sugar but also protein and fat, so it does not raise blood sugar levels as quickly as expected, and it contains a variety of nutrients such as calcium and vitamins, making it a recommended food for diabetics.

In addition, milk has a much lower GI than other carbohydrate sources, ranging from 31 to 37 depending on the type of milk. Active peptides contained in dairy products, including milk, work to lower blood pressure by inhibiting enzymes that increase blood pressure.

In addition, diabetic patients often experience symptoms of osteoporosis due to decreased bone density due to decreased insulin secretion and metabolic abnormalities in the body. In this case, milk consumption can play a very important role in increasing bone health and bone density.

The expert said, “For diabetic patients, milk consumption can provide many health benefits, such as reducing blood sugar levels and preventing osteoporosis, so it must be added as part of the diet. However, if you include milk in your meals, it is a good idea to calculate the carbohydrates for each meal,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the biggest purpose of diabetes management is to prevent diabetic complications, and it is important to manage it through daily diet and regular exercise.

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2023-12-26 10:44:44

#diabetics #drink #milk

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