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Milá apologizes to Susana Estrada for this impertinent interview

Mercedes Milá begins the seventh installment of I do not know what you are talking about generating expectation for a unexpected reunion. The presenter gave way to her guest, Susana Estrada, saying that he had managed to rediscover her after years of not seeing each other and that he had even had to tell her ask for forgiveness for an event from the past.

An interview on the program Two by two In 1978, along with fellow journalist Isabel Tenaille, he was the trigger for this clash between Milá and the muse of uncovering. The presenter herself gave way to the video so that both Inés Hernand and the audience understood what she was talking about. “At that moment I couldn’t have been less interested in Susana Estrada, I considered her an object woman. See if she was wrong, as she said recently, in another interview, I had to ask her for forgiveness.

Mercedes Milá’s impertinent interview with Susana Estrada 40 years ago

After watching the archive video, in which lThe Catalan presenter looked at Estrada with a dirty face and told him bluntly that many people would consider it a shame that he was on the program.

Mercedes Milá apologized again to the actress and singer for being so “brute” and not “having considered her a brave woman.” Susana herself told, laughing, how she had experienced that singular interview at that moment: “They amazed me. I said, where did these two come from? Where have they escaped from? What nuns’ school did they just come from?” To which the presenter responded by saying that at that time she thought she was “super modern.”

The presenter then went on to remember that, although many did not recognize it at the time, including her, Susana Estrada had fought a lot for women’s rights. “They took a while to recognize me because I was not a staunch feminist. I have never wanted to annul man, I have never wanted to annul himr. The only thing I wanted was for him to take the boot off my neck, but not put my stiletto heel on his,” the actress said then.

The public also wanted to give their opinion on the debate, pointing out the differences between women who appeared at that time with the feminist boom, a moment in which Milá took the opportunity to once again point out how unfair her position had been towards Estrada for considering her an “object woman.” . The actress herself closed the topic by making her vision clear: “She was an object woman because she was hot and blonde. And as a woman I object nothing, I have always been a brochure woman.”

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