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Michniewicz prepares surprises. This trio will go to Qatar for the Polish national team

The World Cup in Qatar is approaching. The Polish national team will kick off the group before the most important event of the four-year period already next Sunday, November 13th. Czesław Michniewicz will announce the names of 26 on Thursday soccer playerswho won the appointments for the World Cup. There will be surprises.

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Michał Skinś, Michał Karbownik and Jakub Kamiński – must be in the squad for the World Cup. A breeze of youth

A few days ago, in an interview with Janusz Basałaj in the “Two places” program, the recruiter opened the veil of secrecy and revealed the key by which he determines the final staff. The list should include four goalkeepers, five stoppers, four hanging, six central midfielders, three winger and four forwards.. According to “Przegląd Sportowy” the assignments must reach, among other things, Michał Skinś, Michał Karbownik and Jakub Kamiński, which at first sight may seem less obvious choices.

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Skin in the last few weeks it shines in form, also confirmed in the last match group stage of the League of European Conferences with Villarreal. The Lech winger shone on the pitch and, scoring two goals, became one of the heroes of the Polish champion. – If anyone has to go to the World Cup of our championship, then Scyś definitely deserves it – said Artur Wichniarek in an interview with “Przegląd Sportowy”.

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Another of the team’s surprises will be Jakub Kamiński. The 20-year-old after moving to Wolfsburg he initially had a problem with regular play, but has been the main player on the German team since October. In the last match against Borussia Dortmund he was very close to scoring a first hit in the Bundesliga. -He deserved to be called up for the World Cup-commented briefly Wichniarek.

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A ticket to Qatar will also be received by Michał Karbownik, key figure of Fortuna Dusseldorf in recent weeks. He joined the team in early September and has played regularly as a left-back ever since. This is very important news for Czesław Michniewicz. Especially now that it is known that Arkadiusz Reca will not go to the World Cup due to an injury. Karbownik can be an important replacement for Nicola Zalewski. -He has been playing regularly for two months now and looks good. The coach saw him last weekend from Sankt Pauli. He acted as a defensive midfielder and was the Pole’s only unsuccessful match. He is doing great on the left defense, he is praised-rated Wichniarek.

Czesław Michniewicz will announce the squad list for the World Cup in Qatar on Thursday 10 November at 15:00.

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