Home » today » Business » Mexicans work more hours, but it is not reflected in their contribution to GDP

Mexicans work more hours, but it is not reflected in their contribution to GDP

Mexico is the leader in hours worked, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), but that is not reflected in its productivity, since with 2,137 hours per year per worker, it almost doubles the number registered in world powers. like the United States and Canada.

However, the contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) for each hour worked is very low, only 22.2 dollars per hour contributed to the economy, an average well below countries with fewer working hours, such as the United States, which averages 77.1. dollars, and Ireland, with only 1,772 hours worked per year, but which contributes 109.5 dollars per hour to its economy for each worker.

We know that the number of hours worked is not necessarily related to labor productivity since this is much more complex. Having productive employees implies an excellent work culture, care and attention to psychosocial risks and attention to the mental health of collaborators, among other actions.said Yunue Cárdenas, coordinator of the psychology HUB at Affor Health, a company specialized in managing and improving the psychosocial health of people in organizations.

However, the phenomenon of workplace presenteeism has become a growing problem that affects both employees and companies. Presenteeism refers to the situation in which the worker attends his job, completes his day and some tasks, but his performance is low.

Affor Health, a consulting firm specialized in psychosocial preventive management, maintains that although it is not a new phenomenon, workplace presenteeism is affecting the productivity of companies.

Its causes may be excessive workloads, stress, anxiety, depression, burnout and even a negative work environment.

Faced with the return to the offices after covid, many companies are reevaluating their processes and are understanding that responding to a mail or a message is not necessarily synonymous with work productivity and that this is more related to mental health care and organizational climate.

Although work presenteeism is multifactorial, lack of attention to the psychosocial risks of the workplace are usually its main triggers. Hence, it is important for companies to analyze their risks and implement actions to care for the mental health of their employees.

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– 2024-05-11 18:19:38

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