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Mexibús and Mexicable will also raise $ 2 to the ticket price

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The Mass Transportation and Cable Car System of the State of Mexico (SITRAMyTEM) announced that will raise two pesos the price of Mexibús and Mexicable as of January 1, 2020.

The increase will happen simultaneously with the price of public transport.

The government of the State of Mexico reported that “this measure rSponge that since 2017 the mass transit system of passengers has remained unchanged and the adjustment is smaller in percentage terms to the growth of the minimum wage between 2017 and 2020 ”.

The new tariff indicates that the cost per passenger will be nine pesos, ensuring that it is less than regular public transport, which will be 12 pesos.

The Mexibús is operated by the Ministry of Communications of the State of Mexico and It currently has three transport lines in operation, waiting for the fourth to be inaugurated in the first quarter of 2020.


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