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Message | stadt + werk – municipal climate protection

[31.8.2020] In August, the Renewable Energy Agency named the city of Herne Energy Municipality of the Month. The projects for solar energy, renovations and neighborhoods implemented here help the city and the climate, so the reasoning.

As a former mining town, Herne is still confronted with the consequences of more than a century of hard coal mining. Since one is aware of one’s own responsibility, the administration of the big city in the Ruhr area successfully repairs the damage that has occurred. This is now reported by the Renewable Energy Agency (AEE). Since 2013, Herne has had a climate protection concept and is investing in energy renovations and the expansion of renewable energies. In the renewed climate protection concept of 2019, Herne wants to meet the challenges of climate change with an interdisciplinary approach. This is one of the reasons why the city has now been named Energy Municipality of the Month August 2020 by the AEE.

Improve citizens’ quality of life

The quality of life of citizens is to be improved through measures that primarily serve to protect the climate. According to the AEE, the city is also making an important contribution to the energy transition through renovations, photovoltaic expansion and innovative construction projects. The installed technologies are adapted to the infrastructure of the densely populated metropolitan region. Reducing energy consumption by 25 percent and halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 is also a goal in the municipality. “The potential for renewables in urban areas is there and, due to the shortage of space, must be effectively exploited, since at the same time energy consumption is highest in cities. Herne succeeds in reducing consumption and promoting renewables through innovative projects and energetic renovations. The climate benefits from this just like the people of Herne, “says AEE Managing Director Robert Brandt.

Expansion of photovoltaics

Since wind and water power are not available due to the high population density of the region, Herne is concentrating on the expansion of photovoltaic systems. The city sees potential savings of 73,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually if all suitable areas are used consistently. To make this possible, the installation of PV systems in ten households is being funded with 1,000 euros each, of which 700 euros are municipal funds and 300 euros come from the Ruhr Regional Association. Private households are to be encouraged to expand through further measures such as information workshops or direct contact with the owners of suitable areas.
Furthermore, between 2012 and 2018, Herne was able to avoid 3,710 tonnes of carbon dioxide with the project “Energy saving goes to school”. In the project, optimizing consumption also saved 1.4 million euros. Some of these savings are passed on to project participants as bonuses In 2018, 520,000 euros were distributed, and the city budget was also relieved of 880,000 euros.

“Climate Quarter” project

How one can make living as energy self-sufficient as possible has been put to the test since 2019 in the “Klimaviertel” project of the Herner Stadtwerke. Seven highly efficient single-family houses, each of which use different technologies for insulation, PV systems or heat generation, are to be put to the test in cooperation with The Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT is able to determine which combination is the most energy-efficient. Even today, the houses are partially self-sufficient in terms of supplying electricity and heat in the summer months, reports the AEE. As an annual mean, they can achieve a degree of self-sufficiency of up to 75 percent The so-called Shamrockpark is another innovative project in Herne, in which the Ectogrid system developed by E.ON intelligently combines heating and cooling conductors. The real laboratory of the energy transition is intended to enable prosumers to join the supply network at any time thermal battery works, renewable heating and cooling can feed in or take from it. (ur)


Keywords: energy efficiency, energy community, Herne, AEE, neighborhood solution, photovoltaics

Source: City of Herne

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