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Merkel is going on her last significant foreign visit to the USA / Day

Reuters The polled political scientists predicted that real agreement on these two issues would not be reached. “The biggest problem in the United States is that Merkel has an advantage – she believes the current transatlantic relationship is good enough for Germany. But Baiden will have to try to convince her and get German support, at least on China,” explained political scientist Ulrich Speck. Reuters recalls that Merkel actively supported the investment pact between the European Union and China concluded at the end of last year. The EU, where Germany and its Chancellor have a huge role to play, sees economic cooperation with China as beneficial and does not want to unnecessarily damage relations with Beijing. For example, it is in no hurry to condemn the repression of democracy in Hong Kong and the repression of Muslims in Xinjiang. Germany’s failure to see China as a geopolitical threat and its unwillingness to support US plans to form a global alliance to combat China’s growing influence in the world was confirmed at the G-7 summit in June.

The situation with a little more hopeful looks Nord Stream 2, on which a compromise could be reached. It seems that the Baiden administration has agreed that the construction of the gas pipeline will be completed, as evidenced by the suspension of previously imposed sanctions against Western companies involved in construction, the AP writes. However, Washington wants to receive guarantees from Germany that after the start of Russian gas exports by Nord Stream 2 Ukraine will not lose its gas transit state status and related revenues. Merkel has already made a promise in public, but before going to Washington, she expressed doubts as to whether it would be confirmed in any official documents, although emphasizing that “she always keeps her word”.

German wave points out that this could be Merkel ‘s last significant foreign visit as German Chancellor. The Bundestag elections will take place on September 26, and Merkel, who has led the government for the past 16 years, will no longer run for office.

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