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Meganthropus Paleojavanicus, History of Discovery and Characteristics

Indonesia has an important history and culture, including in the world of archeology or archeology. For example, the discovery of ancient human fossils. From several ancient human fossils in Indonesia, Meganthropus Paleojavanicus is known to be the oldest ancient human fossil.

Fossils of Meganthropus Paleojavanicus were found in the Sangiran area, Central Java. Now Sangiran is an archaeological site on the island of Java.

The discoverer of the fossil Meganthropus Paleojavanicus was GHR Von Koenigswald in 1941 ago. In the encyclopedia “Complete History of Indonesia from Classical Era to Contemporary“, it is said that this type of ancient human had a large bone structure.

GHR Von Koenigswald conducted research from the Bengawan Solo river from 1936-1941. It is estimated that the Javan Giant Man came from the lower Pleistocene layer.

Meganthropus Paleojavanicus has the characteristics of a sturdy body, large jaws, and strong. This type of ancient human is thought to have lived in the Old Stone Age (Pleothihikum). Life time is estimated 1 million to 2 million years ago.

Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus

Giving the name Meganthropus Paleojavanicus comes from the word ‘mega‘ means ‘big’ and anthropus means human. While the word ‘paleo‘ means old, and Javanicus comes from Java.

The discovery of fossils is not found in a complete state. The fossils found were parts of the skull, lower jaw, and loose teeth.

Ciri Ciri Meganthropus Paleojavanicus

  1. Sturdy stature
  2. Has a prominent forehead bulge
  3. Strong chewing muscles
  4. Don’t have a chin
  5. Has thick and strong cheekbones
  6. Eat kinds of plants
  7. Has a sharp back bulge
  8. Large and strong neck muscle attachments

Other Types of Ancient Humans

Besides Meganthropus Paleojavanicus, there are several other ancient human fossils found in Indonesia, namely Pithecanthropus and Homo Sapien. Here’s the full explanation:

1. Pithecanthropus

Quoting from the Book of Students’ History of Specialization for SMA/MA Class 10, the Pithecanthropus fossils come from the lower and middle Pleistocene epochs. They have jawbones, molars, and sturdy bodies.

Pithecanthropus characteristics:

  • Sturdy body
  • Have jawbones and molars
  • Have a prominent forehead
  • Don’t have a chin
  • Have an elongated roof of the skull
  • Got a chewer and eats everything
  • Walk like a monkey
  • The nape of the neck is small.

There are 3 types of Pithecanthropus found in Indonesia, namely Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis, Pithecanthropus Robustus, and Pithecanthropus Erectus.

  • Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis

Von Koenigswald found this ancient human fossil in the village of Perning, East Java. The fossils found are the fossils of children aged 5 years.

Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis has a straight body, thick forehead, strong cheeks, and a protruding face towards the front.

Weidenreich and Von Koenigswald discovered this ancient human fossil in 1939. The location of the discovery is in Trinil, Solo River valley.

Eugene Dubois discovered ancient human species in Trinil village, Ngawi, East Java. Pithecanthropus erectus has a brain volume of up to 900 cc. While the modern human brain above 1000 cc. According to Darwin’s theory, Pithecanthropus Erectus is a transitional creature from apes to humans.

2. Homo Sapiens

This type of ancient human has a body shape almost the same as ordinary humans. They have human-like nature, live simply, and wander.

There are 2 types of Homo sapiens, namely Homo Soloensis and Homo Wajakensis. In 1889, Van Riestchoten discovered Homo Wajakensis in Wajak village, Tulungagung, East Java. It is estimated that this type of ancient human lived about 40,000-25,000 years BC.

While Homo Soloensis was found in Ngandong, Blora, in Sangiran, and Connect Macan. The discoverers of Homo Soloensis were Ter Haar, Oppenoorth, and Von Koenigswald. They carried out expeditions and discoveries in 1931-1933. It is estimated that Homo Soloensis lived about 900,000-300.00 years ago.

Ciri-ciri Homo Sapiens

  • Able to stand and walk upright
  • Have teeth and chewing tools that experience shrinkage
  • The muscles of the neck shrink
  • The chin and jawbone are not very strong
  • The face does not protrude forward

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