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McKenna Grace savors the honeys of success as an actress at just 15 years old

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Alex Vincent, the child of Chucky who fled from fame

Many may not remember the name of Alex Vincent, but his angelic face facing the evil Chucky in Diabolical Doll will be etched in the memory of many viewers. Vincent rose to fame thanks to this renowned horror classic from the late 80s, which led him to star in its sequel and other films of the time such as Just Like in the Movies, but after this experience in front of the cameras at such an age early decided to completely get away from the cameras. His departure from Hollywood was because Alex Vincent could not bear fame. In interviews, such as the one he offered to Tampa Bay in 2019, he admitted that he fled the spotlight to take refuge in his hometown of New Jersey so that no one could recognize him. It was then that he focused on his studies looking for a normal life like that of any student of his age. He graduated as a Sound Engineer, which led him back to film in the early 2010s to work on the sound crews for several Series B horror films, such as House Guest Massacre. His affection for Chucky made him appear again before the cameras in The Curse of Chucky or Cult of Chucky, since he has never denied the saga that led him to success in his childhood. Since then he has not closed himself to any project, as long as it does not take him away from the quiet life he enjoys right now. More stories that may interest you: Channing Tatum’s new challenge moving away from his sex symbol image The unstoppable rise of Dave Bautista in the cinema Cameron Diaz’s successful life as a wine entrepreneur

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