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Mary Claire Haver: The Social Media Menopause Expert Shares Hormone Replacement Therapy Advice

Well actually

Ob-Gyn turned menopause expert revolutionizes women’s health

If you are a woman born in the 70s who has Googled “menopause” on an iPhone, you probably know who Mary Claire Haver is. Ever since the physician pivoted from focusing on her Houston area OB-GYN practice to menopause care in 2021, the fast-talking Texan has been flooding social media with advice about navigating the maladies of midlife.

Complete menopause care with a comprehensive approach

With a following of 4 million across various platforms, Mary Claire Haver’s approach to menopause care is comprehensive. From tackling supplements, sleep, nutrition, and exercise to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or MHT (menopausal hormone therapy), she has become an authority on menopause. Haver’s focus on providing women with proper and holistic care has resonated with her followers.

The preventive benefits of hormone replacement therapy

Despite reluctances from some doctors, Mary Claire Haver firmly believes in the preventive benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women experiencing perimenopause. While the best-known symptoms of this transitional phase are brain fog, weight gain, and insomnia, a proper program of estrogen, progesterone, and sometimes testosterone can help alleviate them. Haver’s comprehensive knowledge extends to the protective effects of hormones against heart diseases, osteoporosis, and thinning hair associated with menopause.

The New Menopause: A detailed guide to menopause and hormonal changes

In her latest book, “The New Menopause,” Mary Claire Haver delves deep into the many side-effects of hormonal changes. The book, which runs over 100 pages, provides an A to Z guide to navigating the challenges and complexities of perimenopause and menopause. Haver explores the mental and physical side-effects, shedding light on why some medical peers tend to dismiss women’s concerns as “all in your head.”

Demystifying the controversies surrounding hormone therapy

The acceptance and popularity of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) often vary across different countries. Mary Claire Haver acknowledges that the United Kingdom is ahead of the United States in recognizing and treating menopause. However, controversies surrounding HRT remain. Haver addresses the divide between the “old menopause” proponents, who rely on outdated research and data, and the “new menopause” that challenges these perspectives. She firmly believes in empowering women to make informed choices about their health.

An advocate for women’s health and education

Mary Claire Haver’s emergence as a social media phenomenon can be attributed to her candid and informative approach. Thousands of women turn to her for guidance and share their experiences, shaping the dialogue around menopause. Haver believes in arming individuals with information to help them advocate for themselves. While she may not be able to personally address everyone’s concerns, she provides insights on effectively communicating with healthcare providers and navigating the menopause journey.

Maintenance and self-care tips for menopause

A key aspect of Mary Clare Haver’s menopause care is encouraging healthy lifestyle choices. She emphasizes the necessity of consuming sufficient protein and fiber, and the importance of weightlifting alongside cardio exercises. Haver’s own experience with a weighted vest has sparked her recommendation to incorporate resistance training to maintain muscle and bone strength. She emphasizes the importance of proper diet and exercise in optimizing overall well-being during menopause.

The misunderstood pros and cons of hormone therapy

Mary Claire Haver acknowledges both the positive and negative aspects of hormone therapy. Unscheduled bleeding can be the primary inconvenience, and changes in breast tenderness or headaches may occur as well. While there is an increased risk of blood clots in some cases of oral estrogen use, the reputed risk of breast cancer with estrogen alone is not substantial. Haver emphasizes the significance of understanding the relative versus absolute risk and enabling informed decision-making.

The importance of recognizing the signs of perimenopause

Perimenopause, the transitional phase before the end of menstruation, can be characterized by a range of hormonal and bodily changes. Mary Claire Haver emphasizes the significance of recognizing the signs, such as hormonal chaos, as the body adjusts and ovulation becomes less regular. While menopause cannot be reversed, Haver provides insights into alleviating symptoms by balancing hormone levels. She aims to support women during this transformative stage of life.

The limitations and potential of menopause treatments

Mary Claire Haver acknowledges that women will continue to age, and menopause treatments cannot halt the natural aging process. However, menopause, if left unmanaged, can lead to an acceleration of certain health concerns like insulin resistance, diabetes, and collagen loss. Haver emphasizes the importance of estrogen in maintaining overall health. While hormone therapy cannot reverse wrinkles or heart diseases, it can significantly support women in avoiding certain age-related conditions.

The growing awareness and impact

Mary Claire Haver observes a changing attitude towards menopause, particularly among the baby boomer generation. Many individuals express anger and frustration, witnessing their mothers enduring bone fractures, cognitive decline, and prolonged suffering. Haver believes that future doctors will be better informed and open to various therapies. She envisions aging like men who do not experience menopause, ultimately pushing for progress in women’s healthcare and education.

Menopause and skincare

According to Mary Claire Haver, Estradiol, a vaginal cream commonly prescribed for menopause-related health, exhibits incredible skincare benefits. Studies have shown that topical application of Estradiol does not result in systemic absorption and does not pose any significant risks. The cream can improve collagen and elasticity in the skin, making it a potential solution for reducing the signs of aging. Mary Claire Haver advises using a small amount of Estradiol mixed with moisturizer for enhanced skin health.

Power of authenticity on social media

Despite becoming a social media sensation, Mary Claire Haver emphasizes the importance of authenticity. She recalls starting with simple videos, sharing knowledge in an unguarded and approachable manner. While her popularity has grown and led to a busier schedule, Haver remains committed to connecting with her audience and keeping the conversation authentic. She values her followers’ contributions, which continue to shape her content and perspectives.

Empowering individuals to take charge of their health

Mary Claire Haver’s journey embodies the importance of individual education and self-advocacy. She believes that women will eventually be able to approach primary care doctors confidently and engage in informed conversations about their menopause journey. Haver acknowledges the need for improved education among healthcare providers and emphasizes the responsibility individuals have in educating themselves about menopause and their own health.

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