Home » today » World » Márki-Zay: Are you a pedophile yourself, Dániel Bohár, or do you just support them?

Márki-Zay: Are you a pedophile yourself, Dániel Bohár, or do you just support them?

Péter Márki-Zay recorded and published on his social media the telephone interview that the megaphone Dániel Bohár conducted with him regarding Péter Magyar. The announcer with a megaphone tried to do everything he could to corner the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, but in the end he managed to maneuver not him, but himself into an awkward situation.

An exciting recording was posted yesterday on the social media page of the president of the People’s Party of Hungary for Everyone, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely – a conversation with the megaphone influencer Dániel BohárFind. Recently, Bohár called public figures critical of the government one by one to ask their opinion on the “Péter Magyar phenomenon” or what they think about domestic violence. The conversations are then made public – appropriately cut into the narrative of the propaganda. According to the feedback, he does not inform his interlocutors in advance either of the fact of the recording or of its publication – a good example of this is Interview with Róbert Puzsér.

However, the call did not come as a surprise Péter Márki-Zayt, who recorded the conversation himself – he informed Bohár about this right from the start – and posted it uncut. When asked by Bohár how he saw Péter Magyar, whether he was offended by the fact that he is now the “messiah of the left”, Márki-Zay said that, on the one hand, he thinks that Péter Magyar is not a messiah, but a hope, and that he was not offended at all, in fact, he sees and admits that Péter Magyar is much more popular and can mobilize more people than he could in 2021 and 22. He emphasized that the number of protesters on Saturday can already be gauged by how much social demand there is for the “corrupt criminal gang to be disrupted”.

Unsurprisingly, Bohár tried to conflate Márki-Zay with the left again, and then also Péter Magyar, whose demonstration, according to him, was also attended by left-wing politicians.

When Márki-Zay reflected on this:

Péter Magyar constantly talks about Gyurcsány and Orbán keeping each other in power

the answer was a long silence on the other end of the line. According to Márki-Zay, it will not work if they try to discredit Péter Magyar in the same way as he and the coalition did before.

One of the smiling episodes of the conversation was when Bohár tried to tell Márki-Zay that he disliked the appearance of Péter Magyar, to which the politician responded: – No, it’s going very well, it’s going very well, I’m so happy. He added: at least he gets more time for his family, besides, he will always support the one who has the best chance of sending corrupt criminals to prison.

Another interesting part of the conversation was when Dániel Bohár asked Márki-Zay what he thinks about how Péter Magyar treated Judit Varga.

Here the following conversation took place between the two of them:

Márki-Zay: These are terribly serious things. The extent to which Judit Varga’s claims can be taken seriously…

God: Do you think Judit Varga’s claims cannot be taken seriously?

Márki-Zay: Judit Varga is not an abused woman, sorry, Judit Varga is an abuser. I guess that’s what Dániel thinks too?

God: Is Judit Varga an abuser?!

MZP: Yes, Judit Varga never said that her husband had hurt her even with a finger. However, she admitted that she hurt her husband.


God: Do you think that Péter Magyar is the victim in this relationship?

MZP: Well, that’s the only evidence so far, all the rest is hearsay.

Márki-Zay then said that all we know is that as minister Judit Varga said that the situation of women in Hungary is perfect and that she lived in a great family. “Judit Varga must have lied at some point,” the politician believes.

Bohár said that he would believe anything from an abused woman, and Márki-Zay asked: – Dániel, do you believe the words of a pedophile supporter? You’ve been supporting a pedophile party for years, you’ve been lying for years, now you say you’re not a pedophile, but who knows? He added: Maybe the marriage of Péter Magyar and Judit Varga was bad, but the government tolerated it for years, according to Zsolt Bayer, they tolerated this serious scandal for ten years.

Bohár ended the conversation quickly when Márki-Zay said: – Two years ago, I said that if Orbán could steal from that, he would be a proud pedophile supporter. And lo and behold, I was right, it turned out that he really is a supporter of pedophiles.

They are trying to piece together a video or audio recording in order to sell Péter Magyar. I am always very happy to answer the propagandists, as opposed to Viktor Orbán, Lázár, and the other villains, we do not run away from questions, it is not a provocation for us if a reporter wants to ask a question.

– summed up Márki-Zay after the phone conversation.

You can watch the full conversation here:

And the announcer with a megaphone finally considered all of this worthy of two videos – one of barely one and a half minutes and one of barely half a minute – for those who want to itt and you can watch it here.

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