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Marie Nilsson Lind is buried in Visby Cathedral today

“Many are affected and it shows”

Published 2024-02-02 10.24



Today, family and friends say a final farewell to Marie Nilsson Lind.

The Ainbusk singer will be buried in Visby Cathedral at 2 p.m.

On the fourth of January, the artist and songwriter died Marie Nilsson Lind62 years old.

Today at 2 p.m. she will be buried in the cathedral in Visby, the same church as her little sister Josephine Nilsson was buried in 2016.

According to All of Gotland is 250 people pre-registered, but the ceremony is open to the public, which means that there may be more guests than that.

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The friend holds the service

The funeral service is held by the dean Anna Lundgren who is a childhood friend of the Nilsson family.

Alma Hedlund Emilsson. Photo: Church of Sweden

– It will be a little special, but at the same time very nice to leave her in God’s hands. I grew up with Marie and carry the images within me. It feels both nice and natural, she tells the newspaper.

Alma Hedlund Emilsson is cantor during the funeral. She has put together a choir with women of different ages who will perform, among other things, “Love me” and the Gotland classics “Gunatt siv gutt” and “Ändlaus veisu”.

– The last song will be “Gunatt siv gutt” as a last song for Marie. Many are affected, and it shows. It’s nice to be a part of someone’s farewell in this way, she says to Expressen.


full screen The program. Photo: Carolina Byrmo

The program sheet states that the ceremony begins with “Tröstevisa” by Benny Andersson. The magazine ends with a poem written by Marie Nilsson Lind herself.

“Stars are like us, like sparklers. They burn, they radiate. Some are more visible others fall down. Until there is only waiting to shine a little more. As all souls wish. In the dark it is more visible. It…all our longing”, it reads.


full screen The coffin in Visby Cathedral. Photo: Carolina Byrmochevron-leftpreviouschevron-rightnextThe flag at half-mast.


Died a week after her husband

Marie Nilsson Lind died just a week after her husband Magnus Lind passed away after a period of illness. He lived to be 78 years old.

– I’m devastated. Mangen was my dream prince, the king of my heart, my north, my south, my east and my west, Marie Nilsson Lind told All of Gotland then.

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