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Marco Borsato makes a counter declaration against a woman who accuses him

Singer Marco Borsato has filed a counter-statement against the 22-year-old woman who accused him of indecent assault this week. Borsato’s lawyer Geert-Jan Knoops confirms this on Friday evening after reporting from news agency ANP and by NOS. According to Borsato, the woman was guilty of libel, slander, making a defamatory charge and filing a false report. The singer filed a complaint against the woman’s mother for “inciting and complicity in” these facts.

According to a statement from Borsato’s advisers to Knoops’ lawyers, the report has been in the making since last week. On December 9, the singer is said to have already asked the Public Prosecution Service to investigate the source of rumors about abuse that have been circulating in recent weeks. According to his lawyers, Borsato’s declaration was only submitted on Thursday because they wanted to provide it with additional evidence that had recently been received.

The lawyers emphasize that the report is not only a reaction to that of the young woman. That accused Borsato of it at the beginning of this week that he repeatedly abused her from the age of fifteen. Following her declaration of this, the Public Prosecution Service is investigating the case. Justice has announced on Friday that it will also take up Borsato’s declaration.

Borsato denies the allegations of sexual abuse, which according to the woman would have taken place between 2014 and 2019. The woman, then a teenager, says The Telegraph that the singer was a family friend. The newspaper saw the woman’s report. Bee Telegraph-journalist John van den Heuvel two more reports have been received in recent days of possible transgressive behavior by Borsato. To the best of our knowledge, this has not yet been reported.

Also read: Marco Borsato is under fire from ‘juice channels’. Who’s behind that?

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