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Many Spicy Criticism of Ade Armando about Salat 5 Waktu

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A number of religious organizations Major Islam in Indonesia strongly criticizes the statement of the University of Indonesia (UI) Lecturer Ade Armando which states that there is no command to pray five times a day in the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an.

One of them came from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) through one of its chairmen, Abdullah Jaidi. He asserted that the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW have given a clear explanation of the five rak’ah prayer.

One of them is recorded in Surat Al-baqarah verse 43 which in essence calls on Muslims to uphold prayer and pay zakat.

“How can there not be 5 times. Wong, in the Koran there. It’s not studying him or having other tendencies. I don’t know,” Jaidi told CNNIndonesia.com, Wednesday (11/3).

Not only that, the Head of Central Leadership (PP) Muhammadiyah Dadang Kahmad assessed that Ade’s statement should not be exaggerated. Because he judged, Ade Armando is not a religious expert.

“He is not a member of the religion, do not be perceived,” said Dadang.

Similarly, the chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Human Resources Research and Development Institute (Lakpesdam NU) Rumadi Ahmad assessed that Ade’s statement was simply to flirt and seek attention. Rumadi stressed that the statement had no benefit for Muslims.

“This just wants to be flirtatious. Useless talk,” said Rumadi.

The General Secretary of the Central Leadership (PP) Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu’ti explained that the instructions, names, and times for praying are not in the text of the Qur’an, but are contained in the Hadith. However, he said, in the Qur’an mentioned three times for prayer for Muslims, namely when the sun slips, dark night, and dawn.

Furthermore, Mu’ti also explained, in Surah Al Baqarah Verse 238 has also been mentioned the command to establish prayer, although without mentioning the time.

“There is one verse that mentions “prayer al-wustha”, without mentioning the time. The caliphate is still happening today. Therefore, it should not be exaggerated,” he said.

Ade previously issued a statement that became a polemic after stating that there was no command to pray five times a day in the Muslim holy book, the Koran. He even challenged the parties to try to find a verse in the Koran that ordered the five daily prayers.

Ade’s statement was in response to a statement from the Imam of the New York Mosque, Shamsi Ali, who accused Ade of denying Islam because he did not follow Islamic law.

“In this world alone, there are many Muslims who do not pray five times a day. Do they deny Islam?” said Ade in a video uploaded on Cokro TV’s YouTube channel, Monday (1/11).


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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