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Many discard it without knowing that this fish is an excellent source of omega 3 and vitamin D, a gold mine for the heart and arteries.

With infinite beneficial properties as already described in a previous article, the herring, is a marine fish that belongs to the Clupeidae family. With a silvery color and greenish blue reflections, it is a fish that lives in the Atlantic Ocean, while it is totally absent in the waters of the Mediterranean. In Italy, the most common and consumed species are golden herring, strongly smoked and salted which is the most valuable and then the silver one.

Many discard it without knowing that this fish is an excellent source of omega 3 and vitamin D, a gold mine for the heart and arteries.

It is a fish that falls into the category blue fish, characterized by meats rich in good fats such as omega 3 and noble proteins, it is an excellent source of vitamins and mineral salts.

Benefits on health

A fish still too little known and consumed despite all the benefits it has on our health.

Eating herring could help prevent heart disease, thanks above all to the high presence of omega 3, which would help reduce blood cholesterol levels. The presence of these fatty acids would also help prevent mental illness and reduce blood pressure levels.

The consumption of omega 3 would also seem to be optimal to counteract muscle and skin aging. Also excellent against stress, in fact, here are the 3 foods rich in Omega 3 to prevent and fight stress and sleep better.

Among the many benefits that the consumption of herring brings, the most important one is linked to vitamin D. This fish, in addition to being a good source of good fats and noble proteins, would seem to be an excellent source of vitamin D. An indispensable vitamin for the correct functioning of numerous functions of our body and useful for bone health.

Use in the kitchen

From tasty meats, herring fillet lends itself well to various preparations in the kitchen. It is possible to enjoy it cooked in a pan quickly, marinated, smoked or we can decide to eat it fresh.

Ideal for the preparation of fast and tasty but above all very nutritious second courses. It is excellent to consume combined with onions, potatoes and beets.

Another method to enhance its flavor is to cook it on the grill accompanied by foods such as radicchio to obtain a perfect balance of flavors.

In Italy, herring is usually widely used fried, a cooking method that enhances its flavor and also makes it more delicious and less difficult to consume.


A fish that unlike others is poor in mercury, a toxic substance for our body that is increasingly present in large fish.

Therefore, many discard it without knowing that this fish is an excellent source of omega 3 and vitamin D, a gold mine for the heart and arteries.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not know the eating habits and any intolerances of our readers and for this reason it is recommended to consult your doctor about foods that could cause damage to your health. In any case it is strongly it is recommended to read the warnings given WHO”)—

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