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Major General Staff Sherif Gouda Al-Araishi: Commander of the Third Field Army and Egypt’s National Security

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 12:37 PM

Major General Staff of War confirmed Sherif Gouda Al-Araishi Commander of the Third Field Army, men Armed forces On October 6, 1973, they recorded in the records of honor the greatest epics and the most amazing heroism during that glorious war.

Al-Araishi said in his speech during the audience President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi War inspection lineup 4th Armored Division In the Third Field Army in Suez Governorate, whoever looks at history and its events will not look closely enough until he discovers that no one can threaten their interests or attack their capabilities.

Al-Arayshi added that Egypt is destined to live in a region of great turmoil, and perhaps the foggy scene surrounding our region is what makes us more keen to strengthen ourselves by possessing the most modern combat systems in the world. To be able to confront the risks and challenges that could affect Egypt’s national security.

He continued, saying, “It is no secret to anyone that the past few years have witnessed a qualitative shift in level Egyptian army In terms of organisation, training and arming,” he stressed that this had a profound impact on the ability, efficiency and readiness of our armed forces.

He pointed out that this was clearly evident through the successive successes in the war on terrorism and the destruction of its infrastructure, directing a special salute to the men of the Third Field Army who proved that the factors of time cannot affect the doctrine and toughness of the Egyptian fighter.

He explained that the men of the Third Field Army in Central and South Sinai destroyed the walls of weak hopes that these terrorists had built in their sick imagination. God’s clear victory was achieved for us, and life returned to normal in that precious spot on the homeland, whose sands were soaked with the blood of the purest martyrs, to whom we send a special greeting for what their souls sacrificed, who chose eternity in heaven over remaining on earth.

The Commander of the Third Field Army, Major General Staff Sherif Jouda Al-Araishi, said, “History will pause for a long time in amazement at the Egyptian experience stemming from the strength, will, and resilience of the proud people of Egypt, who realized with their patriotic sense that their future would not be built by anyone else, so they went on their way, raising the slogan: ‘To be or not to be.'”

Al-Arayshi added, “The whole world has seen how Egypt has transformed in a few years from creative chaos that almost destroyed everything green and dry, into an oasis of security and stability. What has been achieved on the land of Egypt in terms of development renaissance will be the starting point for building the new republic in which justice prevails and in which the value of the Egyptian human being is elevated.” He saw for himself that he had now become the focus of attention of the political leadership of the Egyptian state.”

He pointed out that the giant national projects being implemented in all parts of Egypt are the best evidence of this, as they aim primarily to change the reality of life.

Al-Araishi confirmed that Third Field Army Today he stands with pride as he recalls from his memory his honorable history over the years, followed by years marked by the sacrifices and heroism of his men, saying, “As the leader of this ancient tactical formation, I confirm that today it is at the highest levels of combat efficiency and combat readiness. Ready to cover the ground Within the scope of our responsibility or anywhere else we are assigned to go, keeping in mind the highest interest of the country, preserving its safety and security, and sacrificing ourselves and our lives as a sacrifice for its precious soil. We spare no effort in training and do not waste time on what is of no benefit. We proceed on our way with confident, steady steps and insight. Conscious and with a clear vision, we continue day and night to remain a wall and a protective shield against anyone who tries to tamper with the nation’s capabilities.”

He added, “In the name of the Third Field Army, I extend my thanks and appreciation to the General Command of the Armed Forces for the unlimited support for us, which had a great impact on what we have achieved in terms of great combat ability and high morale,” explaining that the lined up men of the Fourth Armored Division and the rest Men of the Third Field Army They pledge to the President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, and they pledge to the great people of Egypt, who have placed their absolute trust in them and entrusted them with the task of providing for their gains, to always remain loyal soldiers to the national responsibility entrusted to them.

2023-10-25 09:37:00
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