Home » today » News » MAI guarantees that there was no failure by TAP or Lisbon airport in the flight that transported Guaidó – O Jornal Económico

MAI guarantees that there was no failure by TAP or Lisbon airport in the flight that transported Guaidó – O Jornal Económico

The report of the General Inspection of Internal Administration (IGAI), cited by the Minister of Internal Administration (MAI), concluded that the alleged “security breaches” in the TAP flight that transported the opposition leader from Venezuela were not confirmed and that they took the Maduro Government to suspend air links with Portugal between the two countries for a period of 90 days.

“There was no breach of security rules at Lisbon airport”, either in the “action of the airport authorities or the airline TAP, assured Eduardo Cabrita, the Minister of Internal Administration, in statements to RTP, this Saturday, stressing that the results preliminaries “are very clear” in this statement. The report has not been made public.

The results of this process come after an investigation into the alleged security flaws in the TAP TP173 flight in which the Venezuelan government accused Portugal of transporting opposition leader Juan Guaidó and his uncle, Juan Marquez, allegedly armed with explosive chemicals , bulletproof vests and also a plan to attack Venezuela, written in English.

The Government of Nicolás Maduro then accused TAP of violating “international standards” by allowing the transport of explosives, and also of hiding the identity of Guaidó, the opposition leader, on the flight that left Lisbon to Caracas, having decreed the suspension of flights from Portugal for 90 days.

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