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Mahmoud El-Meligy: The Villain of Egyptian Cinema – Remembering the Star on His Anniversary of Death

Sarah Salah

Tuesday, 06 June 2023 04:00 PM

Today, Tuesday, will be the anniversary of the death of the star Mahmoud El-MeligyWhere he left our world on June 6, 1983, one of the greats and giants of art, and he was called the villain of Egyptian cinema.

The late star revealed the story of the cause of his “baldness”, which he became famous for, in an article he wrote himself in Al-Kawkab on January 20, 1959, entitled “The Secret of My Baldness”.

narrated Mahmoud El-Meligy That “baldness” was not hereditary, and that his father died at the age of eighty and his hair was full. Al-Meligy recounted the story that one day, with a group of his companions in his youth, he went to a bar and drank “wine” and hunger began to intensify on them until the bar seller entered and carried in his hand “shrimp Al-Maligy and his friends attacked him and ate him completely.

After eating the shrimp, Mahmoud El-Meligy went to his house, but on the way he found a person with “lemon” fruits in his hand, and he bought large quantities of lemon from him and kept eating them until he got home, and he felt sharp pains in his stomach that he could not bear and kept hitting his head on the wall until early morning and went to The nearest hospital, and the doctor informed him that he miraculously escaped death because of the lemon and was severely poisoned, and he learned that three of the group had paid with their lives for eating shrimp, and he remained in the hospital for 15 days until he recovered and found that his hair began to fall out until he became bald because of eating shrimp .

At the beginning of the thirties of the last century, Mahmoud El-Meligy joined the Fatima Rushdi troupe, and he was obscure at that time. Evil, which he excelled in presenting, despite the meeting of all his colleagues in the artistic field that he was the best person away from the screen.

El-Melegy left his mark in the theater as well, since he worked with “Fatima Rushdi”, where he later joined the “Ismail Yassin” troupe, after which he worked with the “Tahia Carioca” troupe, then the New Theater troupe, and thus he performed more than twenty plays, the most important of which were his roles in Plays: Julius Caesar, he was born one day, and he was a prominent member of the National Acting Association, then a member of the National Acting Troupe.

Among his films are “The Land and Tears Have dried up, and a meeting with the past, Crazy by Heredity, The Hunter of Women, Love Has Ended and the Search for Trouble, I Wish I Had Never Known Love, Hot Tears Longing, Return of the Prodigal Son, No Time for Tears, Goodbye Forever, and No, Who Was My Love.” Among his series: Dreams of the Flying Boy with Adel Emam as guest of honor, Burj Al-Zah series with Mohamed Awad, Al-Ayyam series with the late artist Ahmed Zaki, Al-Qat Al-Aswad series.

2023-06-06 13:00:00

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