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Magnet fisherman takes rocket launchers out of the water in Amsterdam

A magnet fisherman claims to have fished up two rocket launchers in Amsterdam-East this afternoon. The magnet fisherman, who is also a former soldier, is sure that they are bazookas.

According to a police spokesman, two “sharp projectiles” were indeed found in the water at the Transvaalkade. Whether these are rocket launchers cannot be confirmed yet. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service Defense (EOD) is investigating this.

Magnet fisherman John Molenaar says that he made the discovery after a tip from local residents that there was something in the water. The weapons lay in a sealed plastic bag at the bottom of the water. “I think they’re as real as I don’t know what,” he tells NH News† “I was in the service, so I don’t know any better. They come from Russia, but I don’t know the types.”

Bit more often

It is not the first time for magnet fisherman Molenaar that he encounters explosives. Last year he passed a grenade from the water near Brouwerij ‘t IJ. He also encountered bazookas before. According to Molenaar, there is much more interesting in the water at the Transvaalkade.

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