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Magician Reveals Political Consultant Paid to Create AI Robocall before New Hampshire Primary

Article: AI Robocalls Linked to New Hampshire Primary

AI Robocalls Linked to New Hampshire Primary

Magician Claims Involvement in Political AI Consultant’s Controversial Moves

A professional magician has accused a prominent political consultant of hiring him to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) system that would generate robocalls targeting political figures prior to the New Hampshire primary. The alleged scheme has stirred concerns about the misuse of AI technology in campaigns.

Creating an AI-Powered Sneak Attack

Described as a calculated strategy to impact electoral politics, the magician’s claims portray a questionable side of AI deployment in campaigning. The magician, who has chosen to remain anonymous, asserts that he was approached by the consultant, known for their political involvement, to develop an advanced AI robocalling system in a bid to sway public opinion.

According to the magician, the primary goal was to automatically initiate personalized political robocalls targeting influential figures within the vicinity of New Hampshire. The AI system, supposedly programmed to mimic human voices seamlessly, posed as an authentic caller to an unknowing recipient, potentially influencing their perception of candidates.

Exposing the Alleged Deception

The magician claims to have successfully carried out test runs of the AI robocalling system, resulting in recipients unknowingly engaging in political discussions or receiving Biden-related robocalls. The magician argues that these sinister tactics, utilizing advanced AI technology, raise significant ethical implications as AI continues to evolve.

This revelation rouses concerns over potential misinformation, political manipulation, and erosion of trust in campaigns. As AI systems become more sophisticated, it is critical to establish robust regulations and ethical guidelines surrounding their usage in political activities.

Broadening the Concerns About Misuse of AI technology

The claim of AI-playing a role in political campaigns further exposes the vulnerability of AI-based systems in spreading misinformation. The retention of private, human-like conversations and the potential misuse of an AI-driven political robocalling tool dating back to the New Hampshire primary raises questions about data security and the consent process surrounding AI deployment.

The future implications of AI in political communication and potential AI manipulation in influencing public opinion must be carefully examined, with strict oversight and safeguards implemented. As AI continues to permeate various aspects of society, it becomes increasingly crucial to strike a balance between technological advancements and user protection.

Tackling the Challenge: Regulations and Awareness

The alleged involvement of an AI robocalling system in the New Hampshire primary, if true, brings a contentious issue to the forefront. Policymakers, organizations, and tech companies must collaborate to enact comprehensive guidelines and regulations to safeguard against the malicious use of AI technology in political campaigns.

Furthermore, raising public awareness about the potential manipulation through AI-driven systems can enhance the collective understanding of the inherent risks. By fostering this understanding, individuals can critically analyze the credibility of information disseminated through digital channels during critical political events.


The magician’s claims about developing an AI robocalling system specifically designed to influence the New Hampshire primary highlight a pressing concern about the potential misuse of AI technology in political campaigns. As AI systems become increasingly prevalent, it is crucial to establish comprehensive regulations to guard against their malicious applications. Additionally, promoting public awareness and understanding of AI’s capabilities is paramount to protect the integrity of electoral processes and public trust in political activities.

Keywords: AI robocalls, New Hampshire primary, magician, political consultant, artificial intelligence, political campaigns, technology, misinformation, ethical regulations, public awareness.

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