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Madonna is writing her own biopic

The ‘Teenage Dream’ singer, who was born into a pastoral family, said her childhood was almost a long mass.

The star told The Guardian newspaper: “I spent my childhood on the Jesus train. There was no curiosity, it was just Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus …. from childhood, I was taught only the Bible. “

And while Katy makes no secret that she regularly sees a therapist, the artist confessed that her household considers this kind of conversation taboo, admitting that no one in her family ever expresses their feelings.

She continued sarcastically, “‘But Jesus heals us all! Thanks to him, you are healed! I’m sorry if your fingers are falling out but God will heal you.’ And if you’re not a huge believer, then you’re not a good Christian. But there are plenty of tools that God gives us to help each other, and science, doctors, and therapists are one of them. That’s probably why I talk so much about my emotions. “

In addition, Katy discovered her musical talent when she was only nine years old.

She recalled, “Everyone was ignoring me and suddenly I had this magic trick that got me attention.”

And although the singer wants to give her children a very different childhood, she doesn’t think this decision is unusual.

She added: “I think everyone wants to evolve. I think that’s why we have kids, to show that we have evolved. That we can evolve.”

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