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LP Gas will have its highest price since November in CDMX – El Financiero

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) reported that for the week of January 30 to February 5, the maximum price of LP gas in CDMX will be 22.44 pesos per kilogram, which represents its highest level since November.

In this way, domestic gas accumulated four weeks of increases in the 16 municipalities of the country’s capital.

Compared to the previous week, a 20-kilo cylinder will go from 444.4 to 448.8 pesos, while in its 30-kilo presentation, the price will increase from 666.6 to 673.2 pesos.

In the case of stationary gas, the price will be 12.12 pesos per liter.

On the other hand, The average price of LP gas at the national level was 23.01 pesos per kilogram, which will represent its highest cost in the last nine weeks.

During the next week the 32 states of the country will reflect increases in the prices of LP gas.

The 10 states that will present, on average, the largest increases in the price of LP gas They are Sonora (2.3 percent), Chihuahua (2.2), Baja California (2), Baja California (1.8), Sinaloa (1.4), Coahuila (1.4), San Luis Potosí (1.2), Durango (1.1), Zacatecas (1.1 ) and Mexico City (1).

In particular, five municipalities located in Baja California Sur will manage the highest prices in the country, since the residents of San Quintín and Mulegé will have to pay 26.41 pesos per kilogram of gas, followed by La Paz (25.68 pesos per kg.) , Comondú and Loreto (25.65).

In contrast, the lowest prices can be found in various municipalities of Tamaulipas such as Matamoros, Reynosa, Río Bravo and Valle Hermoso, since the cost per kilogram will be 20.55 pesos.

Starting this week, begins the second period of the emergency directive established by the Ministry of Energy, which means that the Government will continue to control domestic gas prices for six more months.

Given the news that the maximum price program would last until July of this year, the National Gas Guild declared that they were already waiting for this decision.

José Adrián Rodríguez, spokesman for the National Gas Association, pointed out that although they still do not know what measures they are going to take in this situation, the main request of the commission agents is that they can have a profit margin that allows them to continue carrying out their activities.

“From the first moment that the emergency directive was published, we have shown our intention to be regulated and to be part of the economic productive link that generates and pays taxes and that is regulated with all of the law before them,” he said.

According to SENER, the emergency directive allowed LP gas prices to decrease by 15.1 percent compared to the price that consumers would have had to pay if the directive had not been issued.

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