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Loud Quitting: The Rise of Vocal Employee Dissatisfaction

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Von: Anna Heyers

New trend in the world of work? Loud acknowledgment is becoming increasingly popular. Employees say clearly what bothers them – and will most likely also quit.

Quiet quitting made waves last year when workers started setting limits: they stopped taking extra work, stopped working overtime, or put in little effort. Quiet quitting is often viewed as a personal rejection of work culture. However, some employees don’t hide their dissatisfaction – instead they quit “loudly”.

Almost one in five (18 percent) of workers worldwide quit this way or are actively dissatisfied, according to a new report by the polling institute Gallup. This study and its survey results were shared by more than 120,000 employees worldwide, among others by make itthe online financial portal of the news channel CNBC.

Loud Quitting: What is Loud Quitting?

With an announcement, so to speak: Loud quitters make no secret of their dissatisfaction at work and are therefore the opposite of the quiet quitters. (Iconic image) © Veam/Imago

Gallup defined Loud Quitters as employees who take actions that “directly harm” the organization. For example, by employees undermining company goals and opposing their managers. “At some point, the trust between employee and employer was severely damaged,” it says loudly make it in the study. And further: “Or the employee was not suitable for his role, which led to constant crises.”

Quiet quitting, basically doing only what is absolutely necessary at work, is much more common: the majority of employees worldwide resign silently (59 percent). Striking: According to the survey by Gallup Only 23 percent of respondents consider themselves successful or engaged at work.

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Gallup has calculated that low-engaged workers cost an estimated $8 trillion to the global economy and account for 9 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP). Gallup writes out loud make it: “Employees represent a tremendous opportunity for economic growth. Leadership and management have a direct impact on engagement in the workplace, and there is much that companies can do to make their employees more successful and happier.”

Loud acknowledgment as a risk for companies – in terms of health and personnel

Sea Gallup Loud Quitting can signal “big risks” in a company that should not be ignored. So would like make it writes that disengaged employees feel significantly more stressed at work (56 percent) – which could ultimately lead to burnout or similar illnesses. In comparison, according to the survey, only 30 percent of committed employees felt “very stressed” on a daily basis.

Not surprisingly, those who are actively dissatisfied are more likely to quit. The survey shows that 61 percent of them are looking for a job. For more committed employees, it was about 43 percent.

Striking: salary does not always play the main role for the Loud Quitters

Quiet or Loud Quitters – when reading the study, it becomes apparent that the dissatisfied employees would also switch to a job that brings in less salary. 31 percent of committed employees would only change jobs if a salary increase beckons Gallup-Analysis. And: Those who are neither very committed nor very uncommitted need an average salary increase of about 22 percent for them to look for another job.

Type of termination can be an opportunity for companies

However, all hope is not lost, as silent resignations can be a company’s “greatest opportunity” for growth and change Gallup: “Quiet quitters are ideal for increasing productivity in your company. These employees are usually ready to be inspired and motivated – in the right way.” This means changes in leadership, communication and organization, it says.

According to the survey, 85 percent of the answers from the Quiet Quitters related to company benefits, salary and working hours, or the compatibility of work and private life. All things that are customizable to a certain extent. Will that help in the end to convince the Loud Quitters? You can only try and wait.

2023-07-01 15:34:50
#Loud #Quitting #trend #world #work

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