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Lose weight and get fit with this routine of 6 exercises and 20 minutes

You only need 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week To start getting the countless benefits of doing a little exercise. And we don’t say it, it’s the minimum that marks the World Health Organization, that is 150 minutes a week, as a goal to ensure our health.

Goal that on the other hand is quite realistic if we take into account that many times we attribute to the lack of time the fact of maintaining a sedentary life. It is true that the maelstrom of everyday life, full of labor and personal obligations, plays against us, but it is no less true that we can organize ourselves to devote at least half an hour of exercise to an end as commendable as improving our health.

Benefits of physical exercise

And is that It is shown that, along with diet and abandonment of certain harmful habits, exercising is one of the factors fundamental involved in our having a longer life and free of chronic diseases. Overweight and obesity have a great influence on our health.

Physical exercise: health benefits

• Reduces the risk of suffering from different cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure,

• Reduces the risk of diabetes and some types of cancer.

• Improve bone and functional health, which prevents problems such as sarcopenia or osteorporosis

• Improves aspects such as balance, coordination or mobility.

• Builds muscles, improves strength and basic physical condition.

• Helps maintain caloric balance and a healthy weight.

• Strengthens mental health, reduces the risk of depression and helps manage stress.

• Help fall asleep, whose poor quality is also the focus of diseases.

Training routine

So, we share a simple training routine designed by Sergio Peinado, who has a degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a personal trainer. It is a series of exercises suitable for the vast majority whose purpose is none other than trying to maintain a healthy weight at all times. With these cardio and body weight exercises, to which you can add some others or complement them with other activities such as stepping down, running or cycling, you will improve your health.

6 basic exercises

  1. Jumping squat touching the ground.
  2. Climb the rope.
  3. Go down to iron.
  4. Changes of pace
  5. Knees up.
  6. Cuffs + leg opening.

The recommendable is to do each exercise for 30 seconds, completing as many repetitions as possible. Between each exercise you should rest 10 seconds and 30 seconds between the six rounds that Sergio Peinado advises to perform.

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