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Lola Salcedo, journalist and cultural manager of Barranquilla, died

The world of Barranquilla culture regrets the departure of the journalist and manager Lola Salcedo, who was found lifeless this Sunday in her residence, located in the municipality of Puerto Colombia (Atlántico). According to the Police report, his body showed no signs of violence, but he had ingested some substance that caused his death.

Three days ago, the communicator wrote on her Twitter account: “for more INRI, I end this 2020 with a tremendous runny nose, locked in my room and wanting to wake up tomorrow on another planet, another spiritual plane, another civilization: they will attend to my dream up there, Where do they decide the destinies of men when they sleep? ”.

Dolores Salcedo Castañeda, known as ‘Lola’ Salcedo, defined herself as a “journalist and writer who has traveled all forms of communication, in love with social networks and always active in the exercise of citizenship, as the only possibility of achieving a country inclusive, where we all fit with full rights. Relentless and permanent reader, lover of the sea, firm friend and vertical professional. Columnist and commentator on civic culture on the radio ”.

Lola led the team that achieved the recognition of the Barranquilla Carnival as Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

“We lost a teacher of cultural journalism, Lola Salcedo, she was our press officer in 2001, she led the dossier that supported the Candidacy of the Carnival before UNESCO, she accompanied the Caridi family in the restoration of the Casa del Carnaval. Lola left us a great legacy, she wrote the stories of Barrio Abajo and its inhabitants, made her first cultural cartography and was part of our folk groups, her heart was always cumbiambero. We will always remember you dear Lola! “, Said Carnaval SAS through Twitter

Personalities of journalism and culture also mourned his death and expressed their condolences after the news:

Recently, Lola Salcedo shared her opinion on civic culture on the program La Radio y Cuarto Poder. There, on December 23, he announced that he would return with everything on January 12, 2021.

In March 2020, in her opinion column in the newspaper El Heraldo de Barranquilla and entitled ‘Right to die as you like’, Lola Salcedo expressed:

To die with dignity means in my understanding being able to leave when you feel that you are already too many, or when the disease annihilates you and you know that there is no going back – even if there is a very hard survival at the point of palliative, screwed up and screwed up with the relatives. or when you are no longer comfortable within yourself, for whatever reasons.

Life belongs to each one of us, we are the ones who feel it, carry it, enjoy it or suffer it, it is something real and independent of each one, although we qualify it with our religious, family and cultural beliefs, which is also a given right that responds to a voluntary decision of each one with which rule governs the very fact of subsisting.

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