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Liz Truss designed a signal. To start with vital visit

The new British Primary Minister Liz Truss gave a political signal with her 1st cellular phone get in touch with. She was with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Truss recognized the invitation to pay a visit to Kiev and reiterated his support for the state in its war with Russia.

In his midnight speech, President Zelensky stated that the situation remains complicated: it is a front about 1,300 km extensive, on which energetic armed service steps are carried out, BNR noted.

He thanked the EC for the conclusion to limit the issuance of visas for Russian citizens. And it welcomed the initiative of the International Atomic Power Agency to create a basic safety zone close to the Zaporizhia nuclear electrical power plant, the premier in Ukraine and Europe.

According to the organization’s industry experts who visited the facility, the problem remains unstable. The Russian ambassador to the United Nations called the notion of ​​demilitarization of the Zaporozhye nuclear ability plant “frivolous”.

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