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Liverpool coach Klopp warns of selfishness

Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp has warned of selfishness in the coronavirus pandemic and called for solidarity. “Four or five weeks ago, it still seemed that many countries thought: this is our problem, this is our problem, this is our problem – we have a problem with it. Now nature has shown us that we are all the same, and we all have the same problems at the same time. We have to work together to find the solution, ”the German coach of the sovereign Premier League leader demanded in a video interview on the club website on Friday.

“There are so many people out there who have much bigger problems, so I would find it really embarrassing to talk about ‘my problems’,” said Klopp, who gave the interview at home. At the moment there was nothing good about this situation – “except maybe what we can learn from it”.

A message from these days has even brought Klopp to tears. A video shows how hospital staff from an intensive care unit sing the hymn of the “Reds” together. “When they started ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, I immediately had to cry,” the 52-year-old admitted. “It’s incredible. But it shows everything. ”These people would put themselves in danger to help others. “I couldn’t admire and appreciate them anymore.”

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