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Let’s get to know the early symptoms of someone suffering from low blood pressure

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Low blood pressure is a serious problem for your health. This is because low blood pressure can lead to the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Low blood pressure or what is commonly called hypotension causes reduced blood flow throughout the body, including to the brain.

You need to know, low blood pressure can trigger a person to have strokes and heart attacks.

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So, it’s a good idea to know the early symptoms of someone suffering from low blood pressure. That way you can immediately take steps to control blood pressure.

Here are the early signs of low blood pressure, as quoted from Boldsky.com.

1. Dizziness

Dizziness is the most common symptom of low blood pressure. Dizziness can be felt when changing positions, such as standing up after a long sitting or getting out of bed.

2. Fainting

Fainting spells can occur because blood pressure reduces blood circulation in the brain. As a result, the brain is deprived of oxygen and loss of consciousness occurs.

3. Blurred vision

Blood flow is reduced to a number of vital organs when blood pressure is low. Lack of oxygen and nutrients causes organ function is not optimal, including blurred vision.

4. Abnormal heartbeat

The heart is also the part that is most affected when blood pressure is low. Heartbeat becomes abnormal, such as beating fast or irregular.

5. Pale skin

Lack of blood flow can also reach the outer skin layers. As a result, the skin can look pale or yellow.

6. Stiff neck muscles

Neck muscles play a role in controlling blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. When blood pressure decreases, it can cause stiff neck muscles.

7. Sweating

Low blood pressure can cause loss of body fluids through sweating. Reduce activity when excessive sweating is followed by low blood pressure. (Dian Maharani)

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This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “Recognize Early Signs of Low Blood Pressure


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