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León Firefighters Successfully Extinguish Inner Courtyard Building Fire in the Capital


The Len Firefighters put out a fire in the inner courtyard of a building in the capital

The León Firefighters put out a fire this Thursday that originated in the interior patio of a building on Papá León XIII street in the capital of León. The Fire Department has traveled to the aforementioned street alerted by a notice from the Castilla y León 1-1-2 Emergency Center, which requested its presence due to a fire that would have been caused by accumulation of dirt, according to sources from the municipal fire extinguishing service.

In the same way, the adjoining building has been evacuated for the safety of the neighbors, although the event has ended without any injuries.

The same sources have detailed that a crew from the Fire Department has moved to the scene to put out the flames and it took them about an hour and a half to put out the fire.

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