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Legislative 2022 in Val-de-Marne #circo9411: the priorities of Sophie Taillé-Polian (Nupes)

The questionnaire 94 Citizens of the 2022 legislative elections
22 candidates are running in the 11 constituencies of Val-de-Marne in the second round of the legislative elections on June 19th. 94 Citizens invites everyone to answer a few questions in order to compare the priorities of the candidates. Responses are posted as they arise.
See second-round candidates their priorities
To participate, you can answer via the form linked below or ask for the questionnaire at [email protected]
Online questionnaire

What are, very briefly, the 5 issues that you consider to be priorities in your riding and what commitments of intervention can you make to defend them in the event of an election?

How does the National Assembly work? 577 deputies elected locally but who make the law for everyone
Along with the Senate, the National Assembly is one of the two elected chambers that make up the parliament responsible for passing laws. These laws are either proposed by the government before being discussed and voted on by parliament, or proposed by parliamentarians themselves.
The Assembly has 577 deputies elected by direct universal suffrage by legislative constituency. Val-de-Marne, for example, has 11 constituencies. The deputies are therefore elected locally even if they then work on the elaboration of the law from a national point of view.

1° Education
The school inclusion of children with disabilities must be a priority. In the Val-de-Marne, the Companions of children with disabilities (AESH) led a strike of several months to demand a status that takes them out of the precariousness in which they are maintained. Due to a lack of resources, many children do not have access to the support to which they are entitled. Due to a lack of space in a suitable establishment, many children stay at home or are educated in an ordinary environment. All this deteriorates the learning conditions of all the children, and the working conditions of the teachers, not to mention the distress of the parents. I will fight to support these families in accessing their rights, so that at the national level a policy of revaluation of the profession of AESH is carried out and that the question of inclusive education is dealt with with the means it requires. .

2° Hautes-Bruyères Landfill and Grand Parc Campus
Behind the Hautes-Bruyères park, in Villejuif, there is an open landfill on land belonging to the State. Faced with the government’s inaction to clean up the site, the city of Villejuif and the neighboring municipalities have decided to take the State to court. I will continue to be at their side so that this site is rehabilitated, to allow the harmonious development of our territory, in the service of the general interest, with the Campus Grand Parc project.

3° Access to housing
Access to housing is a major concern for the residents of my riding. Elected MP, I will fight for the control of rents in the private sector, and to guarantee the right to housing (construction of 200,000 housing units per year for five years, with ambitious ecological standards, raising the minimum threshold of social housing per municipality under the SRU law at 30%, etc.).

4° Integration of young people
The socio-professional integration of young people must be a priority both locally and nationally. Young people have been hit hard by the health crisis, which has accentuated the social and economic difficulties of many of them. Access to stable and non-precarious employment is increasingly difficult. In this regard, the policies pursued by the successive governments of Emmanuel Macron are more oriented towards rapid entry into employment, even precarious, without taking into consideration the aspects of access to rights, housing, health, essential, particularly among young people furthest from employment and training.

Who is Sophie Taillé-Polian?
I was born in 1974. I got involved from the age of 18 to defend the rights of students. Territorial civil servant by profession, I act for culture and schools in communities. Locally elected since 2008 in Villejuif, where I live, I became a senator for Val-de-Marne in 2017. I lead the Génération.s movement, created by Benoît Hamon in 2017. In 2019, I participated in the creation of the Ecologiste group – Solidarity and Territories in the Senate.
Age : 47 ans
Profession : Territorial official
Present or past elective mandates : I am currently a senator for Val-de-Marne and a municipal councilor in Villejuif, national coordinator of Generation.s
Substitute : Djamel Arrouche

Among the proposals of the program of your political movement, which are, very briefly, the five proposals which seem to you to have priority? Do you possibly have a personal nuance to bring to it, which could be the subject of amendments?

Among all the measures proposed by the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union, which form a coherent and credible program to govern our country and change lives, I particularly retain the lowering of the legal retirement age.
Purchasing power is a major concern for French women and men, with the current rise in prices. Starting this summer, we will fight for:

Retirement at 60 years
Price blocking
The ecological transition
An ambitious project for culture
Autonomy allowance for young people

Which committee would you like to sit on?
This remains to be collectively defined with the other members of the environmental group.

How does the National Assembly work? Commissions
To work on all subjects, the National Assembly relies on permanent thematic committees into which the deputies are divided. They thus meet in committee to work on the texts before defending them in the hemicycle. There are currently 8 standing committees: cultural affairs and education, economic affairs, foreign affairs, social affairs, national defense and armed forces, sustainable development and regional planning, finance and law. In each committee, the political groups have a number of seats proportional to their numerical representation. The remaining seats are allocated to non-registered elected officials. A deputy is therefore not certain to sit in the commission of his choice.

If there was only one subject that you could wear during your mandate? Which would it be and how would you defend it?

Equality, in all its forms.


How do you intend to report on your parliamentary action with the citizens of your constituency and take their reactions into account?
We want to continue the dynamics of NUPES with the creation of a local parliament of the new popular union, like what we have set up nationally. Of course, the format will have to be collectively defined.

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